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晚唐诗人 Late Tang poets英语短句 例句大全

唯美句子 2024-07-05 16:31:02

晚唐诗人,Late Tang poets

1)Late Tang poets晚唐诗人

1.However, comparing to the poets in former dynasties, the historical complex ofLate Tang poets was especially strong and special.怀念历史、感伤历史,表达对盛世的追慕与现实的苦闷,似乎是每个末代王朝的诗人们共同的心绪,处于唐王朝末期的晚唐诗人们也不例外。


1.On the Soul Experiences and the Aesthetic Features of the Poets in the Late Tang Dynasty;晚唐诗人的心灵感悟及审美特征探究

2.A Brief Discussion of the Complexes of "Feng" and "Sao" in the Middle-and Late-Tang Dynasty Poets中、晚唐诗人“风”、“骚”情结简论

3.The late Tang Dynasty poet Li He"s view on life and death--The Tang poets" understanding and interpretation on life and death晚唐诗人李贺的生死观——兼论唐代诗人对生与死的理解与诠释

4.On Zhou Pu s Life and Writing in Fuzhou the Late Tang Dyrasty;晚唐诗人周朴在福州的流寓生活及其创作

5.Psychologies and Destinies of Poets in the Late Tang Dynasty for Peasants Revolt;晚唐诗人在农民起义中的心态表现及命运

6.The Sunset Emotion of Poets in Late Tang Dynasty;夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏——晚唐诗人的夕阳情结

7.A Study of Yue Fu on Historical Events by WEN Ting-yun--Concurrently on the efforts to reform Yue Fu by poets in middle and late Tang Dynasty;论温庭筠的咏史乐府——兼论中晚唐诗人革新乐府诗的努力

8.The Literary Activities and Poems & Ci-poems Composing of the Poets Who Followed the Style of Liu Yuxi and Bai Juyi in the Late Tang Dynasty;论晚唐时期刘白诗人群的文学活动与诗词创作

9.On the Image of the Dilapidated Palace in the Poems of Late Tang Period Mediating on the Past as well as the Poets Aesthetic Mentality;论晚唐怀古诗之残宫意象及诗人审美心理

10.A Severe and Desolated Poet with His Chilly Poetry--Changes of Hardship ChantingPeotic Group“峭冷”诗人“清峭”诗——兼论姚合诗歌对中晚唐苦吟诗风的创新

11.Study on a Special Phenomenon-"Setting Out before Dawn" and "Setting Out after Dusk" Which Exists in Tang Dynasty Poets Journey;Study on Tang Poems about the Phenomenon;唐人行旅中的“早发”“晚发”现象及诗歌研究

12.Study on Wu Rong s Poems and the Separation and Reunion of Scholars Official Career, Isolation and Carp Diem in Late Tang Dynasty;论吴融的诗兼论晚唐士人仕、隐、逸的离合

13.On How Poetry on Historical Themes in Late Tang Dynasty Reflect Social and Individual Rises and Falls;晚唐咏史诗对社会兴亡人生成败的归因简析

14.A Review on the Research Methods of Recluse Poets in Mountam Forest of Late Tang;《试论晚唐山林隐逸诗人》文学研究方法述评

15.Leisure-The Deepening of Sadness;长歌当哭,寓悲于闲——晚唐送人赴任诗情感探微

16.WEI Ye Was Not a Poet of Late-Tang Dynasty Poetry Style--A Study on the Artistic Technique and Style of WEI Ye through His Seven-Character Regulated Verses;魏野并非晚唐体诗人——以七律创作为主看魏野诗风

17.Influences of Late-Tang poems on Song Ci幽艳晚香沁词林——论晚唐诗歌对唐宋词的影响

18.ON MA DAI’S FRONTIER POEMS;晚唐边塞诗坛的盛唐余响——论马戴边塞诗


Middle-late Tang poet中晚唐诗人

3)On Tang Qiu-A Poet in Late Tang Dynasty论晚唐诗人唐求

4)poets of Jia dao"s style in late Dang Dynasty晚唐贾岛派诗人

5)recluse poem晚唐隐逸诗人

6)poetic study in the late Tang Dynasty晚唐诗学


