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权利推定 presumption of rights英语短句 例句大全

唯美句子 2024-07-05 16:27:27

权利推定,presumption of rights

1)presumption of rights权利推定

1.Thepresumption of rights in jus rerem is a kind of norm allocating the burden of proof.物权法上的权利推定,是一种举证负担规范,只能于诉讼上发挥减轻证明负担的作用,不能终局性地解决权利归属问题。


1.On the Appliance of the Presumption of Possessory Rightto Possession on Real Estate-A Commetnt on the Article419 of “the Propsal Draft of China Real Right Law”;论占有权利推定对不动产上占有的适用——评《中国物权法草案建议稿》第419条

2.On Chinese Essence of Constructive Authority of Title Enrollment--From the Point of Administrative Act Authority;论我国不动产登记权利推定力的本质——基于行政行为公定力角度的研究

3.On Waiver of Rights;论权利放弃——以无罪推定权利为视角

4.How Should the Concept of Hmnan Rights Be Written into China s Constitution--On the Presumptions and Provisions of China s Constitutional Rights;对人权概念写入中国宪法的思考——试论中国宪法权利的推定与规定

5.On Criminal Suspects" Personal Right and Relief under the Principle of the Assumption of Innocence论无罪推定下犯罪嫌疑人的人身权利及救济

6.To deprive of legal rights, powers, or privileges.剥夺权利剥夺法定权利、权力或特权

7.Discussion on the Contradiction Between "Presumption of Innocence" and "True Answer" On the Angle of Human Right从权利的角度看无罪推定与如实回答义务之矛盾

8.Can justices derive unenumerated rights A Commentary on Griswold v.Connecticut;法官能否推定未列举权利?——格里斯沃尔德诉康涅狄格州案述评

9.fixed-weight autoregression extrapolation固定加权自回归外推

10.Administrative Authority no-presumption of Administrative Authority and the Legitimation Administrative Authority;行政权不得推定与行政权法定的实现

11.The Misunderstanding of Legal Principle of the Right to Beg“行乞权”之争的法理误区——兼评“法无明文禁止之处即可作权利的推定”命题

12.The granting of certain rights and powers to a corporation.公司权赋予公司一定的权利和权力

13.the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government揭竿而起推翻现存政府的权利

14.I do not waive my right to view the contents of this Professional Reference Form.我保留阅读填写完毕的推荐信的权利。

15.I waive my right to view the contents of this Professional Reference Form. I understand that this will not affect the decision of the Admissions Committee.我放弃阅读填写完毕的推荐信的权利。我明白这一决定并不会影响我的申请结果。

16.Research of hybrid digital object and inference of rights;复合数字对象及版权保护权利推理机制研究

17.Chinese Adolescents Reasoning about their Rights in Relation to Authority and the Group;中国青少年在与权威、群体关系中权利之推理

18.Transition of Environmental Right from the Natural Right to Legal Right论环境权从自然权利向法定权利的迈进


Constructive Authority权利推定力

1.On Chinese Essence ofConstructive Authority of Title Enrollment——From the Point of Administrative Act Authority;论我国不动产登记权利推定力的本质——基于行政行为公定力角度的研究

3)On Inference of Rights论权利推定

4)Presumption of possessory right占有权利推定

5)the effectiveness of rights that presumption权利推定效力

1.In the third sector,the effectiveness of rights that presumption, which include the two parts of the contents and useful scale will be talked.第三部分,论述占有的权利推定效力,占有的权利推定包括权利推定内容和适用范围两方面的内容。

6)right validity inferring principle权利正确性推定


