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新员工 new employee英语短句 例句大全

唯美句子 2024-07-04 06:06:16

新员工,new employee

1)new employee新员工

1.Research on the Relationship of New Employee Turnover and New Employee Training;新员工离职与新员工培训之间的相关关系研究

2.On basis of analyzing the reason of accident caused bynew employees, combined with the practical experiences of Blast Furnace Workshop, the significance and measures to be taken of intensifying safety training ofnew employees in enterprise production are put forward.通过对新员工容易发生安全事故的原因分析,结合一厂鼓风炉车间的实际做法,指出企业安全生产过程中加强新员工安全培训的重要性和措施。

3.OBJECTIVE: To help thenew employees in Department of Pharmacy to win through a variety of career barriers, cultivate their professional attainment and let them to adapt the pharmaceutical job requirements as soon as possible.目的:让药剂科新员工尽快克服初入职场的种种障碍,培养职业素养,达到药学工作要求。


1.Keeping and updating employee"s personal files保持并更新员工档案

2.I"m going to need new staff.我们还得招进新员工。

3.Research on the Relationship of New Employee Turnover and New Employee Training;新员工离职与新员工培训之间的相关关系研究

4.The Spanish speaking receptionist is the latest addition to the personnel .说西班牙语的接待员是一位新员工。

5.The spanish speaking receptionist is the latest addition to the personnel.说西 班牙语的接待员是一位新员工。

6.The Impact of Newcomer Proactive Socialization Behaviors on Employee Engagement;新员工主动社会化行为对员工敬业度的影响

7.The newspaper staff worked overtime.新闻工作人员超时工作

8.New Zealand Chemical Industry Council (NZCIC)新西兰化学工业委员会

9.Singapore Chemical Industry Council (SCIC)新加坡化学工业委员会

10.field information staff network外勤新闻工作人员网

11.DEIB (Development Engineering Inspection Board)新开发工程检验委员会

12.Change is more acceptable to people new on the job than to people old on the job.新任工作人员较之老工作人员更易接受变革。

13.The New Characteristics of the Work of College Instructors in the New Situations;谈新形势下高校辅导员工作的"三新

14.Pioneering Supervisors" Work Methods In International Studies Universities in the New Period新时期外语院校辅导员工作方法创新

15.Most of the staff refused to work alongside the new team.大部分员工拒绝与新小组一同工作。

16.All those creative types working together.这些具有创新精神的员工在一起工作,

17.Reviews and Prospects of Employees" Innovative Work Behavior员工创新工作行为的研究述评与展望

18.Direct Employees Job Dissatisfaction into Creativity:An Empirical Analysis;善待员工的工作不满:工作不满与员工创新性的关系实证研究


new staff新员工

1.The effectiveness ofnew staff induction training has been one of the thorny issues of corporate training departments.新员工入职培训的有效性问题一直是企业培训部门的难题之一,但绝大部分文献仅从企业的角度探讨其中的问题,文章首次从企业与员工的双重视角,对新员工入职培训中的问题进行了分析,指出了企业在新员工培训中存在的八类问题及新员工正确对待培训的方法。

2.In many domestic enterprises, the high floating rate ofnew staff remains a serious problem, which holds back the development of the enterprises and chills the enthusiasm of the employees, leading to a waste of time, human resources and financial resources.目前国内很多企业存在着新员工流动率居高不下的现象,造成企业时间、人力和财力上的浪费,严重影响企业组织的发展和员工的士气。


1.Newcomers Pre-entry Expectations and Their Influencing Factors;新员工入职期望及其影响因素

2.The Study on Newcomers’ Organizational Socialization and Pre-entering Expectations;新员工组织社会化与入职期望研究

3.The early stage of organizational socialization is of great importance to bothnewcomers and organizations.通过对419名企业新员工入职期望的纵向研究,并运用LGM分析,结果表明:①在组织社会化初期,新员工入职期望的变化呈独特规律,即,工作期望线性下降,团队和企业期望的变化呈不定义曲线形式;②新员工入职期望各维度的变化率都存在显著的个体差异,但仅工作期望初始状态的个体差异显著;③新员工入职期望各维度的初始状态和变化速度之间都存在显著的正相关。


1.This paper uses questionnaire empirical approach probing intonewcomers′ information seeking behavior.以调查问卷的实证研究方式,探讨组织社会化中新员工的信息寻找行为。

2.The paper reviews the definition,function and formation process of psychological contract and holds that it plays an important role in management ofnewcomers.从心理契约的定义、功能和形成过程来看,心理契约在新员工管理中具有重要意义。

3.Thenewcomers are important human resources which make organization continually develop, their ability, skill and knowledge are the key factors of organization s core competence in future.新员工是企业可持续发展的重要资源,其能力、技能和知识是企业未来核心竞争力的重要组成要素,如何对新员工进行培训与开发是每个企业必须面对的重要课题。

5)new employees新聘员工

1.The conflict between organization snew employees and owned employees has been a usual phenomenon with the improvement of our country s labor market and the high frequency of labor s turnover,however,this kind of research is still little.随着我国劳动力人才市场化配置的日趋完善,组织的人员流动也日趋频繁,组织新聘员工与原有员工冲突已成为一种普遍现象,然而针对该现象的研究却是凤毛麟角。

6)new employee新进员工

1.Research on the Relationship among OCB, Peformance and Turnover Intention of Corporations New Employees;企业新进员工组织公民行为与其绩效及离职倾向的关系研究

2.It is a general problem that a lot of enterprises face with the high loss rate ofnew employees.新进员工的流失率较高是许多企业存在普遍现象,新进员工的流失出了造成企业人力资本重置成本上升外,还会严 重打击在职员工的士气和造成公司工作不稳定的外部负面判断。


