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唯美句子 2024-07-03 23:04:47

郑文焯,Zheng Wenzhuo

1)Zheng Wenzhuo郑文焯

1.Treasure Trove of Words: Another Find ofZheng Wenzhuo’s Criticized Edition Qingzhenji;词学的宝藏:郑文焯批校本《清真集》再现人间

2.On the Collation to Meng Chuang Ci ofZheng Wenzhuo郑文焯《梦窗词》校勘略论


1.Treasure Trove of Words: Another Find of Zheng Wenzhuo’s Criticized Edition Qingzhenji;词学的宝藏:郑文焯批校本《清真集》再现人间

2.On Zheng Wen-zhuo s Acceptance of Jiang Kui s ci poems--Taking Jiao Feng Yue Fu for example;郑文焯词对姜夔词的接受——以《樵风乐府》为例

parative Literature:Transgression and Compromise;比较文学:越界与融通——兼评马焯荣先生的“泛比较文学论”

4.Probing into the Cultural Spirit of the Peole in Zheng State from Zheng Feng in the Book of Songs;从《诗经·郑风》浅析郑人的文化精神

5.Cultural Meanings and Literary Values of the Legend of the State of Zheng;郑国历史传说的文化内涵及文学价值

6.A Study on the Littoral Culture;论沿海文化——兼论以郑成功为代表的郑氏政权的文化特征

7.The Creative Work of Chinese Philology--reading zheng hesheng and zheng hechun 《outline of Chinese Philology》中国文献学的开山之作——读郑鹤声、郑鹤春《中国文献学概要》

8.In Commemoration of the 600th Anniversary of Zheng He s Voyages to the Western Seas;郑和:传播东方文明的远航使者——纪念郑和下西洋600周年

9.Zhengzhou is the political, economic and cultural center of Henan province.郑州市是河南省政治、经济、文化中心.

10.Reconstruction of Archetype --Architectural Design of the World Hakka Cultural Centre in Zhengzhou重构类型——郑州世界客属文化中心设计

11.Probe into the Matrix Culture & Purport of the Book of Songs·Zheng Ballads;《诗经·郑风》母体文化与诗旨探析

12.Research on Accelerating Zhengzhou Culture Industry Development;加快郑州市文化产业发展的对策研究

13.Creating Research System and Helping Descendants to Inherit;“郑”“张”中国文献学著述之比较

14.On the Identified Falsehood of Classical Chinese Writing the Book of Filiality Confucian Commentary of Japan by Zheng Zhen;论郑珍对日本《古文孝经孔氏传》之辨伪

15.Zheng Sixiao s Works:The Symbol of Survivals in the Decline Times;郑思肖的诗文:衰落时代的遗民印记

16.The Tourism General Plan for the Cultural Theme Park of Cheng Ho Treasure Boat;“郑和下西洋文化园”主题策划研究

17.A Study of the Tonnage of the Zheng He Fleet in the Light of Archaeological Experiment;从考古文物实验辨析郑和宝船的吨位

18.A Textual Research on Zheng Xuan s Abandoning Wrong Characters, Redundancies,Transposed Characters and Incomplete Characters in Collating Ceremonies and Rituals;郑玄校《仪礼》不从误字、衍字、倒文、坏字考


Zheng Wen-zhuo"s ci郑文焯词

3)On Zheng Wenzhuo s Manuscripts郑文焯稿本评介

4)Zheng Zhenwen郑贞文

1.Zheng Zhenwen and His Nutritional Chemistry;郑贞文和他的《营养化学》


6)Cheng Wen-kuang郑文光


郑文焯(1856~1918)近代词人。字俊臣,号小坡、叔问、大鹤山人,又号冷红词客。奉天铁岭(今属辽宁)人,隶正黄旗汉军籍。生于世代仕宦的家庭,幼年随父瑛棨宦游南北。光绪元年(1875)中举,曾官内阁中书。因多次会试不中,遂绝意进取,弃官南游,旅食苏州30余年,历为前后巡抚之幕客,经常和名士往来,谈艺论词。辛亥革命后,以遗老自居,先后辞绝清史馆纂修及北京大学教授之聘,以行医鬻画自给。郑文焯毕生致力于词,名列"晚清四大家"。尤精词律,"深明管弦声数之异同,上以考古燕乐之旧谱。姜白石自制曲,其字旁所记音拍,皆能以意通之"(俞樾《瘦碧词序》),于当时讲求四声清浊之外,更欲进一步上推遗谱。曾取张炎《词源》一书,锐意笺释斟画,成《词源斠律》一书,为清凌廷堪《燕乐考原》以后关于词乐的重要著作。其词学柳永、周邦彦、姜夔,尤其推重周、姜。作品务求高健清空,炼字选声,稳妥精丽,大都能做到"体洁旨远,句妍韵美"(易顺鼎《瘦碧词序》)。然其内容,则比较贫乏,除中日甲午战争和庚子事变时少数作品如〔莺啼序〕《登北固楼感事再和梦窗》、〔贺新郎〕《秋恨》等抒发了国势日衰的忧思外,辛亥革命前之词作,多表现贵公子和幕客的落拓、闲适、感伤情绪,辛亥革命后的作品,则多抒发其遗老的故国之思。郑文焯词著有《瘦碧词》、《冷红词》、《比竹馀音》、《苕雅余集》等,后自删存为《樵风乐府》 9卷。吴昌绶并其所撰《词源斠律》等,合刊为《大鹤山房全集》。1933年,龙榆生又曾辑其对前代各家词集批校文字以及遗札中有关词学的论述,成《大鹤山人词话》。
