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B2C网络营销 B2C network marketing英语短句 例句大全

唯美句子 2024-07-02 18:30:43

B2C网络营销,B2C network marketing

1)B2C network marketingB2C网络营销


1.B2C Network Marketing Strategy of Small and Medium Enterprise in China我国中小企业B2C网络营销策略研究

2.Research on Experiential Marketing to B2C E-commerce基于体验营销的B2C网络购物网站浅析

3.Study on Marketing Service of Bookshop Online under B2C Mode;B2C模式下网络书店营销服务研究

4.A Study on E-commerce of Travel Agency Based on Cyber-marketing in Taiwan--The case of Business To Consumer基于网络营销的台湾旅行社电子商务研究——以B2C模式为例

5.An Appraisal Model for Marketing-Ethics Quality of Online Dealers;本土B2C网站营销道德的量化评价体系研究

6.country-wide distribution network遍布全国的销售网络/营销网络

7.Study on the Combination of E-marketing and Traditional Marketing of Travel Agencies;论旅行社网络营销与传统营销之整合

8.Application of Viral Marketing Strategy in Internet Marketing;病毒性营销策略在网络营销中的应用

work- marketing-- the best choice of marketing mode;网络营销——企业营销模式的最佳选择

, the network marketing service platform of small and medium-sized enterprises!赢大网络,中小企业网络营销服务平台!

11.Study on Method of Identifying Target Customer in B2C Relationship Marketing;B2C关系营销中目标客户确定方法研究

12.Study on application for Web marketing to sales of agricultural products;网络营销在农产品销售中的应用研究

13.As traditional Marketing, Internet Marketing also need marketing segments.同传统营销一样,网络营销需要市场细分。

14.The Feasibility Analysis of KongMing Corporation E-Marketing and Marketing Tactics Research;孔明公司网络营销可行性分析与营销策略研究

15.Research on E-marketing Development in China, a New Form of Direct Marketing;直复营销新形式—网络营销在中国的发展研究

16.Variation Analysis and Integration on Network Marketing and Traditional Marketing;网络营销和传统营销的差异分析与整合

17.Discussion about Network Marketing Pattern of Marketing Agricultural Enterprise;关于营销型农业企业网络营销模式的探讨

18.Game Theoretic Analysis of Signal Selection for Network Marketing Firm;面向网络营销企业的营销信号选择博弈分析


B2C Relationship MarketingB2C 关系营销

1.Study on Method of Identifying Target Customer inB2C Relationship Marketing;论文首先提出了B2C 关系营销中目标客户确定的总体方法。

3)Network Marketing网络营销

1.Discussion on network marketing strategy of SMEs in of Heilongjiang province;黑龙江省中小企业网络营销策略探讨


1.An Analysis on the Rising and Development ofE-marketing in the Fields of Chinese Auto Industry;中国汽车网络营销的兴起与发展

2.Analysis System of IIS Log for E-Marketing;面向网络营销的IIS日志分析系统

3.The Strategy of Traditional Enterprise DevelopingE-marketing;我国传统企业开展网络营销的策略分析

5)Internet marketing网络营销

1.Design of Internet Marketing Practical Training;网络营销教学实验方案设计

2.To improve benefit of enterprises by using the internet marketing;运用网络营销提高企业效益

3.A study of the characteristics of products suitable for internet marketing;论适应网络营销的产品特点

6)marketing network营销网络

1.Based on the analysis of the OTC market structure, the paper works out some countermeasures in the aspects of positing,marketing network and brand mangement.随着我国加入WTO以及药品分类管理制度和医疗体制改革的推进,我国OTC药品市场在产生初期就面临巨大的挑战,在分析OTC市场格局的基础上,从市场定位、营销网络构建和品牌经营这三个方面提出对策建议。

2.In order to study the special vehicle development strategy,build up modernmarketing network system,and be ready for the severe challenges in market,the authors in the paper,after conducting market investigation and collecting data together with analyzing statistics,analyzes the trait and limitation of existing marketing mode and sales channel as well asmarketing network.为探索重型特种汽车的发展战略,构建现代市场营销网络体系,应对日益激烈的市场竞争,通过市场调研、数据收集和统计图表分析方法,对其现行营销模式、销售渠道、营销网络的特点和缺陷进行分析。

3.In order to enhance the control of marketing risks, enterprises should pay attention to the construction of marketing personnel, marketing structure andmarketing network on one hand, and shoul.本文认为,加强营销体制、营销网络和营销队伍建设,提高营销综合效益是企业营销管理的核心。


