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审美愉悦 aesthetic pleasure英语短句 例句大全

唯美句子 2024-06-20 06:45:40

审美愉悦,aesthetic pleasure

1)aesthetic pleasure审美愉悦

1.The Aesthetic Sentimentality——Talking about the Aesthetic Feeling again beyond the Theory of Aesthetic Pleasure审美感伤——从审美愉悦说之外再看审美情感

2.However, in fact,aesthetic pleasure may replaces art pleasure for two reasons:one is that between art and aesthetics, aesthetic theory often takes place of art theory; the other is that, in practise, aesthetic experience oftern takes place of art expericenc.艺术中的审美愉悦是艺术之所以成为艺术的主要原因,但审美愉悦仅仅是艺术提供的精神愉悦的一部分,不能用审美愉悦覆盖艺术所提供的精神愉悦整体。


1.The Integration of Explaining and Aesthetic Pleasure in the Prespective of Art艺术视角的解释愉悦与审美愉悦的融合

2.The Aesthetic Sentimentality--Talking about the Aesthetic Feeling again beyond the Theory of Aesthetic Pleasure审美感伤——从审美愉悦说之外再看审美情感

3.Play with the Rules--Unscramble AestheticEnjoyment of Poetry in Ci Form游戏在规则之间——解读唐宋词审美愉悦

4.Criticism of the Aesthetic Taste--Aesthetic Pleasure Steps toward Lofty Medium;审美趣味批评——审美愉悦走向崇高的中介

5.aesthetically pleasing.在审美上令人愉悦的。

6.The excitement in sense, stimulated by beauty economy and "Libido" economy, replaces the pleasure in aesthetic activities.“美女经济”、“力比多经济”诱发的官能快感代替了审美的愉悦。

7.douBle deliciousness, douBle pleasantness双重美味,双重愉悦

8.Speak better English& enjoy your meal!愉悦的英语互动,完美的美食飨宴!

9.the sensuous joy from all things fair.从所有美丽的事物中得到的美的愉悦。

10.The traditional still life is to please people"s eye for beauty and enrich their material life.传统静物画体现的作用就是愉悦人们的审美眼光,装点人们的物质生活。

11.Aesthetic is a meta-utility or non-utility relation between people and reality, the aim of which is making people gain affectional enjoyment and spiritous delight.审美是一种与现实的超功利或非功利关系,目的是使人获得情感享受和精神愉悦;

12.The aesthetic activity is not the judgement from the fact but the value jud gement. It is a kind of free joyful announcing on life activity oneself.审美活动不是事实判断,而是价值判断, 是对于生命活动自身的一种自由愉悦的揭示。

13.Life is a sweet and joyful thing for one who has a pure conscience.“问心无愧者的人生是甜美愉悦的。”

14.with aesthetic gratification or delight.具有美感地满意或者愉悦。

15.the quality of lacking an esthetically pleasing shape.缺乏给人带来美感和愉悦感的形式。

16.having a full and pleasing flavor through proper aging.适时成熟而具有完美的使人愉悦的香味的。

17.pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing.在优美上或者雅致上令人愉悦;不是壮丽的。

18.Sweet is pleasure after pain.苦后方知甜滋味。/ 痛苦后的愉悦是甜美的。


aesthetic amusement审美愉悦功能

1.theaesthetic amusement, informative condensation, cultural-loading and pragmatic .一般来说,语言字符具有四种语用功能,即审美愉悦功能、信息压缩功能、文化承载功能和语用交际功能。

3)Pleasant sensation of aesthetic审美愉快


1.The freedom and harmony fall into three categories:1) students’individual freedom characteristic of wisdom;2) interactive freedom of dialogue between teachers and students;3) students’individualistic freedom,a harmony between retrospection and self-image and a real mental pleasure.课堂审美文化中的自由与和谐分为三种:一是学生的主体自由,集中表现为"智慧";二是师生主体间性的互动自由,其核心在于"对话";三是学生的个性自由,是学生返观自身时与自我镜像之间的和谐,是一种真正意义上的心灵"愉悦"。

2.Students personal freedom,which is truly mental pleasure as well as harmony be.美,以和谐的感性形式肯定和确证人的自由精神从而引起人的情感愉悦,美即自由和谐。


1.Starting from the knowledge about social life and the fate of women and from her own life experience, Lu Yin sets the affection of the female characters along thejoviality bitterness dimension, whi.庐隐从对社会人生、女性命运的认识以及自身经历的深刻体验出发,把女性人物的情感设定在愉悦——悲哀的维度上,使小说具有凄美的艺术价值。

6)joyful mood愉悦情绪

1.Trying to discuss the training ofjoyful mood for chemical study;试论学习化学愉悦情绪的培养


创造愉悦创造愉悦joy in creation创造愉悦勺oy in ereation)个人或集体经过许多努力,创造出新的并且有很高价值的成果时所感受到的愉快感、满足感。其产生的条件是:(l)创造过程的艰辛性,要经过克服重重困难,不懈努力而获得创造成果。(2)创造成果的新奇性和高价值性,创造的成果是全新的,前所未有的。这种情感体验是自身对艰苦创造劳动的报酬,它也成为对以后创造活动的内在动机的强化。(张明撰租娴吴万森审)
