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[06月]官吏腐败 Corruption英语短句 例句大全

唯美句子 2024-06-12 08:38:45



1.On the Culture,Reasons about theCorruption of Bureaucracy;战国时期官吏腐败之文化渊薮探析

2)official corruption吏治腐败

1.Onofficial corruption in the Song Dynasty;从吏治腐败看宋朝治吏之弊

2.Seriousofficial corruption is the root for all corruption,ruins Kuomintang s party in party conduct and government style,and causes the Kuomintang s political power to lose people s support.严重的吏治腐败是一切腐败之源,从根本上动摇了国民党政权的基础,败坏了国民党的党风、政风,使国民党政权丧失民心。


1.Ways of Combating Administrative Corruption & Strengthening the Construction of Clean & Honest Administration;治理吏治腐败 加强廉政建设的对策

2.In the Ming dynasty, the local governments became a hotbed of corruption.明代州县处于官僚和社会矛盾夹击的两难境地,是吏治腐败的滋生温床。

3.In the late Tang Dynasty (After the AN|SHI Turmoil),people"s serious poverty and the officials" corrupt led to the increasing serious phenomenon of the debts" absconding in the financial lief.唐后期(安史之乱后),由于民力凋残,吏治腐败,财政生活中逋悬欠负现象日益严重。

4.(4). Abolish the rotten institutions of the Chiang Kai-shek regime, clear out all corrupt officials and establish clean government.四、废除蒋介石统治的腐败制度,肃清贪官污吏,建立廉洁政治。

5.Abolish the rotten institutions of the Chiang Kai-shek regime, clear out all corrupt officials and establish clean government.四、除蒋介石统治的腐败制度,肃清贪官污吏,建立廉洁政治。

6.The money was all pocketed by corrupt officials.这钱都进了腐败官吏的腰包。

7.Toleration of dishonest officials encourages corruption.对腐败官吏的容忍常鼓励贪污行为。

8.Corrupt officials always try to draw the curtain over their corruption.贪官污吏总是企图掩盖自己的腐败行为。

9.On the Legal System Construction of Punishing and Preventing Corruption;关于惩治腐败、预防腐败的法治思考

10.The Reasons for the Failure of Two State Running Measures in the Ming Dynasty;明"严法治吏,重典惩贪"及失败原因论

11.Public Corruption: An Important Cause of Political Corruption;公众腐败:政治腐败不容忽视的诱因

12.On HONG Ren-gan s Anti-Corruption Thoughts and Their Modern Significance;太平天国干王的反腐治吏思想及其现代价值

13."Democratic" Anti-corruption: the New Fundamental Strategy for Punishing and Preventing Corruption“民主”反腐:惩治预防腐败的新治本之策

14.The political corruption and the counter-corruption during the social transformation in America;美国社会转型时期的政治腐败与反腐败

15.Heightening Corruption Cost: a Rational Choice to Strengthen the Punishment of Corruption;提高腐败成本:加大惩治腐败力度的理性选择

16.The Relationship Among Corruption、Punishment Scheme and Capital Flight:A Dynamic Game Analysis;腐败、腐败治理与资本外逃关系的博弈分析

17.Power and Corruption Focus on the countermeasures of corruption by meansof the power theory of Stephen P.Robbins;权力与腐败——从罗宾斯的权力理论谈防治腐败

18.To prevent and check corruption we must adopt the policy of "treating both principal and secondary aspects of corruption comprehensively".预防和治理腐败要“标本兼治 ,综合治理”。


official corruption吏治腐败

1.Onofficial corruption in the Song Dynasty;从吏治腐败看宋朝治吏之弊

2.Seriousofficial corruption is the root for all corruption,ruins Kuomintang s party in party conduct and government style,and causes the Kuomintang s political power to lose people s support.严重的吏治腐败是一切腐败之源,从根本上动摇了国民党政权的基础,败坏了国民党的党风、政风,使国民党政权丧失民心。

3)village-officer corruption村官腐败

1.The "village-officer corruption" flowing out from the practice of village-autonomy has become"big cancer" that endangers the good officials-crowd relations and limits the Socialism s new village construction;It has important theoretical values and profound realistic meanings for us to suppress "village-officer corruption" avai.村民自治以实现农村基层民主政治的现代化转型为理论祈向,内蕴着深厚的政治生态意蕴;而村民自治实践视域中涌现出来的“村官腐败”成为危害良性干群关系和制约社会主义新农村建设的“一大毒瘤”;着眼于政治生态的理论视野,有效地遏制村官腐败,建设适应村民自治要求的良性政治生态,无疑具有重大的理论价值和深远的现实意义。

4)official"s corruption官员腐败

5)officialdom corruption官场腐败

6)the corruption of the military officials军官腐败


