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唯美句子 2024-05-28 05:30:42



1.Using Borman s expression theory,this paper makes a further study of the various aspects of contemporary literature depicting life of overseas Chinese students:the expresser,thereceiver,the circumstances,etc.而褒曼的表述理论有助于我们从表述者、接受者、表述环境等方面对当代留学生文学进行考察。

2.From the angle of the social function system of languages transition,and on the basis of respective analysis on target language s mold of writing style,the factors ofreceivers and the original work s writing style this paper ventures to present the language style of Linshu s translated novels.文章从语际转换的社会功能机制角度出发,通过对目的语的文风时尚性、接受者因素及原作风貌体式的具体分析,得出林译小说本身的语言风格——文言的运用具有其必然性,是由林纾当时所处的历史背景及译作接受对象的针对性、中西文学的文法类同性及译者个体情趣综合决定的。

3.The narrator, the implied author and thereceiver work hand in glove to produce the acoustics of the novel text.叙述者、隐含作者和接受者,共同生成了小说文本的声音效果。


1.One that receives or is receptive接受者,接受器接受或容易接受的人或物

2.The News Narratological Narratee s Deconstructive Acceptance Strategies;论新闻叙事接受者的解构性接受策略

3.The recipient of an award.受奖者,得奖人奖品的接受者

4.receiver operating characteristic curve接受者操作特征曲线

5.the object that is the recipient or beneficiary of the action of the verb.为行为间接接受者的宾语。

6.The Reception of Poetry --psychological copy phenomenon of readers towards the west wind idea;诗意的接受——接受者对西风表象的心理临摹现象

7.It is more blessed to give than to receive.施与者比接受者更被赞美。

8.One who receives blood, tissue, or an organ from a donor.接受者从某个捐献者处接受血液、组织或器官的人

9.Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.对下列的接受者的递送已经被延迟。

10.One that has been vaccinated.受接种者受过接种的人

11.The recipient of an honor.受誉者接受荣誉的人

12.One to whom something is allotted.接受分配物者,被分予者

13.The one honored by a toast.接受祝酒者接受祝酒的人或物

14.the way of transgressors is hard.违被者的方式很难接受。

15.Nine patients (17.3%) received blood transfusion.9名患者(17.3%)接受输血。

16.One who is being trained.受训者,实习生正在接受训练的人

17.A person or nation receiving a mandate.受命者接受某个委托的人或国家

18.Transmission is by respiratory droplets and direct contact with a patient"s secretions.答:由受感染者的飞沫传播,直接接触受感染者的分泌物也会受感染。



1.Modern translation study focuses more on the translator,thereceptor and the environment of accepting instead of the original work.现代翻译研究把关注的焦点从原文作者转向译者、接受者和接受环境。

2.The change,resulting from the change of social situations, takes both nativereceptors and foreignreceptors into consideration, which inevitably increases the u.《新时代汉英大词典》以时代性、科学性和实用性为目的 ,瞄准新时代 ,服务于新时代接受者 ,可以有效地延长词典的生命周期 ,确保其相对稳定

3.Thereceptor is the end of translation,so translators should have a pretty good idea of the general characters of source language and target languagereceptors,such as historical and cultural settings,language habits and ways of thinking.“等效翻译”就是译者应尽量做到译文对译文接受者产生的全部作用或总体效果与原文对原文接受者产生的效果相等。


1.The author in this paper,mainly probes into a widely known cause for this heroic epic in the Tibetan people from theacceptor of the Life of Gesar,and put forward a new train of thoughts and new methods.本文主要从《格萨尔王传》接受者的角度 ,探讨这部英雄史诗在藏民族中盛传不衰的原因 ,提出了一种新的思路和新的方法。

2.Thus,it is necessary to make an in-depth study into all the factors that affect their acceptance,including those involving the terms themselves,the translator and theacceptor.科技术语译名的规范化能否取得成效,最终还是要看接受者对译名的接受状况和使用状况,因此有必要深入研究影响术语译名选择的各种因素(包括术语译名本身的因素、译者的因素和接受者的因素),从中得到启示,以指导术语译名规范化进程。


1.Being tinted with both Korean and Chinese culture, their notes have certainrecipients:Korean poets and mass readers.由于朝鲜诗话的说话人具有朝鲜文化的背景和说话语境,因此,朝鲜诗话中的说话人既是说话人,又是转述者;既是朝鲜汉文学的权威者,又是中原汉文化的学习者;朝鲜诗话中的接受者既是写作对象和读者,又具有中朝文化双重的文化背景。

2.The western Marxists indicate a redemption way to a nice paradise in aesthetic discourse on the issue ofrecipient.在接受者的问题上,西方马克思主义者们在审美话语中向人们指示了一条通向美好彼岸的救赎之路。

5)Readers reception读者接受

6)translator"s reception译者接受


接受者操作特征曲线接受者操作特征曲线receiver operating characteristic curve, ROC curve接受者操作特征曲线(reeeiver operatingeharaetoristie eurve,ROC eurve)在信号检测论实验中,根据实验结果的若干对击中条件概率和虚报条件概率,在以击中条件概率为纵坐标、虚报条件概率为横坐标的直角坐标系上所画出的曲线。这条曲线表示被试的辨别力或感受性。(全志成撰林仲贤审)
