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(2024年)欧美游客 tourists from Europe and America英语短句 例句大全

唯美句子 2024-05-26 06:18:47

欧美游客,tourists from Europe and America

1)tourists from Europe and America欧美游客

1.A study on the behavior oftourists from Europe and America based on market research;基于市场调查的欧美游客出游决策行为研究


1.A study on the behavior of tourists from Europe and America based on market research;基于市场调查的欧美游客出游决策行为研究

2.Study on the Choice and Preference of Tourists from Europe and America Based on Market Research;基于市场调查的欧美游客旅游选择偏好研究

3.Study on Image Perception of European and American Tourists to Tourism Destination of Hunan欧美游客湖南省旅游目的地形象感知研究

4.The application of co-plot method in the analysis of expectation and perceived performance of inbound tourists--A case study of European and American tourists in Xi an;合图法(co-plot)在入境游客期望感知分析的应用——以西安欧美游客为例

5.An Analysis on the Expectation-perceived Performance and Satisfaction of Inbound Tourists in Traditional Tourist Cities--A Case Study of Xi an Western Tourists;传统旅游城市入境游客满意度评价及其期望-感知特征差异分析——以西安欧美游客为例

6.The money spent by American tourists in Europe every year runs into many million dollars.美国游客每年在欧洲花掉的钱达好几百万美元。

7.European traveled "Casual Enquiry"Form欧洲旅游公司客户意向调查表

8.On the Development of Tourism Organizations Responsible for China s Tourists to Europe and Future Tasks;中国游客赴欧旅游组织机构的发展与未来任务

9.This chart show visitor from europe express as a percentage of the total number of tourist come to the uk each year.这张图表是以访英游客总人数的百分比来表示访英欧洲游客的。

10.The products are sold to occident market and received the admiration from consumers.产品远销欧美市场,深受客户青眯。

parison Analysis of Outsourcing Market of Customer Ser vice and Billing in Europe and America;欧美客服与计费外包市场的对比分析

12.Travelling Calls for Aesthetics: Analysis on the Subject and Object of Tourism Aesthetic Activities;旅游呼唤审美——浅析旅游审美活动的主、客体

13.Reciting whiling Travelling across Fields,Urban and Rural areas--On Europe-US Travels;行吟于原野城乡之间——欧美游记简评

14.The United States Embassy and tourism Industry welcomes Chinese tourists to the United States!美国驻华使馆及美国旅游界欢迎中国的游客到美国旅游。

15.Italy is annually invaded by tourists from all parts of Europe.每年有大批来自欧洲的游客涌到义大利。

16.A Study of Visitors from Europe to China on their Accommodation Choice on the Basis of the Factor Analysis;基于因子分析下的入境欧洲游客住宿选择行为

17.Research on Consumer Behavior of European Tourists Who Travel to Tibetan Areas in Perspective of Cross-cultural Tourism跨文化旅游视角下的赴藏区欧洲游客消费行为研究

18.Agreement between Charm of Guides" Language and Tourists" Aesthetic Perception论导游语言魅力与游客审美知觉的契合


European tourists欧洲游客

1.This study collects relevant data in the form of interview and questionnaire, studying on the characteristics of consumer behavior ofEuropean tourists who travel to Tibetan area in China, and analyzing the influences that cross-cutural factors impact on this specific tourist group, as well as the main factors.本文主要以访谈调查和发放问卷的形式收集相关数据,对赴藏区旅游的欧洲游客这一特定的客源群体的消费行为特征进行研究,并分析了跨文化因素对这一客源群体的旅游消费行为的影响,以及其中主要的影响因素。

3)Europe-US travels欧美游记

4)inbound tourists from Northern American北美游客

1.In the light of mathematical statistics and Likert Scale,the cognition and evaluation on the six main tourism cities ofinbound tourists from Northern American are analyzed.基于第一手调查资料,采用实证主义研究方法,利用了数理统计和李克特量表法,以中国六大旅游城市——北京、上海、西安、广州、桂林、昆明为例,分析了北美游客对中国六大旅游城市的旅游认知状况和旅游评价,得出游客对西安旅游服务质量满意,对西安、广东城市旅游产品价格评价稍高,对昆明城市接待形象评价高等结论,针对此提出了加强对国际旅游市场的促销力度,进一步改善旅游业支撑环境,加强基础设施建设和旅游服务设施建设等建议。

5)the U.S.visitors美国游客

1.The analysis shows that there are basic features and change rules of the U.本文引入亲景度的概念 ,利用亲景度指标 ,以美国游客作为研究对象 ,根据不同年度美国游客旅华的人数 ,分析了美国游客对北京、上海、广州、西安、昆明、桂林六大热点城市的亲景度 ,揭示了美国游客在进行旅游目的地选择方面的偏好程度 ,提出了深层次开发美国客源市场的对策 ,从而确定针对美国客源市场的拓展方

6)European and American tourists欧美旅游者

1.A dynamic appraisal study on inbound tourists’ experience quality:a case ofEuropean and American tourists in Xi’an;入境旅游者体验质量动态评价研究——以西安入境欧美旅游者为例


