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秦简 Qin bamboo slips英语短句 例句大全

唯美句子 2024-05-09 07:32:06

秦简,Qin bamboo slips

1)Qin bamboo slips秦简

1.The pattern that universe generates in Bi divinatory symbol onQin bamboo slips;论秦简《比》卦的宇宙生成模式

2.Observe the Punishment Redeeming System in the Qin Dynasty from the Yunmeng Qin Bamboo Slips;从云梦秦简看秦的赎刑制度

3.TheQin bamboo slips unearthed at Yun-meng contain a lot of articles of laws and regulations on economic management, including those on market and currency management, from which it can be seen that the Qin rulers exercised compulsory management of and intervention in economic activities, particularly in the management of market, trade and currency, by extensively using the legal lever.云梦秦简中有大量类似于单行的经济法规,其中包括市场贸易管理及货币管理等"法规",从中可以看出当时秦统治者广泛运用法律手段对经济活动特别是市场贸易管理及货币管理进行强制性管理和干预。


1.Foreclosure of Qin Tomb s Letters--Reading Notes on Qin Tomb s Letters of Shuifu Mountain;秦简中的赎——睡虎地秦墓竹简研读札记

2.Textual Research on Words and Expressions of Fangmtanqinjian, Zhoujiataiqinjian and Liyeqinjian (Bamboo and Wooden Slips Excavated in Fangmatan, Zhoujiatai and Liye)《天水放马滩秦简》、《周家台秦简》及《里耶秦简》词语通释

3.Bamboo Slips Unearthed in West Hunan "Revive" History of Qin Dynasty湘西出土大量秦简“复活”秦代历史

4.Approaching the Accurate Management of Qin Dynasty from Yunmeng Qinjian;从云梦秦简看秦国经济的精确化管理

5.An Analysis of Agricultural Economic Laws of the Qin Dynasty Reflected from Qin s Bamboo Strips;《秦简》所见秦农业经济管理法规试析

6.On the Reason Why Qin People Values Trip by Analyzing Rishu on Qin Bamboo Slips从秦简《日书》分析秦人重出游的原因

7.From the Guodian Chu-Slips to the Longgang Qin-Slips:The development of "Suo(所)"从郭店楚简到龙岗秦简看“所”字的发展

8.The development of Qin thought and culture reflected by Shuihudi Qin bamboo slips The Way To Be An Official (Li)从睡虎地秦简《为吏之道》看秦思想文化的发展

9.Management Regarding Clothes and Textiles in the Qin Dynasty from the Bamboo Slips of the Qin Dynasty Unearthed in Shuifudi;从睡虎地秦简看秦代有关衣布管理的法律

10.On the text for educated officials in Qin & Han Dynasty-An argument of that the Qin bamboo slips found in Shuihudi are the text for lecturing officials;论秦汉的学吏教材——睡虎地秦简为训吏教材说

11.Study on the Popular Faith Which was Recorded in "Rishu" Bamboo Slips睡虎地秦简《日书》所见的秦时民间信仰活动探微

12.On the Agro-technical choice of Qin in the Late War Period from Bamboo Clips从秦简看战国晚期秦国农业生产的技术选择

13.The Job Crime of Judicial Official in Qin and Han Dynasty;秦汉时期的司法职务犯罪——睡虎地秦简和张家山汉简所见

14.Interpretation of the Characters Related to "久刻职物" from Qin Bamboo Slips秦简“久刻职物”相关文字的解读

15.Some Problems of Historical Geography Concerning Qin Bamboo Slips Document in Liye;里耶秦简牍所见历史地理及相关问题

16.The Interpretation of "Dongting" in QU Yuan s poems and "Dongting" in Bamboo Book of Qin Dynasty;屈赋“洞庭”与里耶秦简“洞庭”的解读

17.The Ghosts and Gods in Rishu·Jiejiu of Shuihudi Qin Bamboo-inscriptions;睡虎地秦简《日书·诘咎》篇中的鬼、神和怪

18.The Word“Jin Bu金布”in the Qin Slip Text from Li ye and the Related Institution Recorded in the Ritual of Zhou;里耶秦简“金布”与《周礼》中的相关制度


Qin Jian秦简

3)the Divination of Yi on bamboo slips of Qin秦简"易占"

4)bamboo and wooden slips of the Qin and Han dynasties秦汉简牍

5)Yunmeng Qinjian云梦秦简

1.Approaching the Accurate Management of Qin Dynasty fromYunmeng Qinjian;从云梦秦简看秦国经济的精确化管理

6)Rishu written on the Qin Dynasty bamboo strips秦简《日书》


