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英语句子翻译成中文 英文美句摘抄40个 带汉语翻译

句子大全 2023-12-19 07:37:01

导航: 英语句子翻译成中文 英文美句摘抄40个 带汉语翻译英语句子翻译成中文 英文美句摘抄40个 带汉语翻译相关问题:匿名网友:1、In the United States introductions are usually rather simpe. 在美国,介绍通常都很简单有语病,其实应该为In the United States introductions are usually rather simper.2、In Japan,greetings are usually rather formal. 在日本,问候通常都很正式。3、They prefer first names to formal titles. 比起正式头衔,他们更喜欢用第一个名字来称呼。4、English people coffee to tea. 英国人喜欢咖啡多过茶。有语病,应该为 English people prefer coffee to tea.5、Such questions may be too hard to the little girl. 这些问题对一个小女孩来说是太难了点。6、Such a life may be too hard to the little girl. 这样的人生对一个小女孩来说太艰苦了点。7、Here is an example to illustrate the differences. 这里就有个例子来说明不同点的。8、Here is an sample to show the quality of the product. 这里就有个例子来展示产品质量。9、It is not unusual in china to give respect to the old. 在中国,对老人不尊几乎不常见。也就是,在中国,大家都尊敬老人。10、It is not unusual in Japan to offer a gift to a person who is leaving. 在日本,通常都要给要离开的人一份礼物。11、As a matter of fact ,your gift would be appreciated all the more if you make it yourself. 事实上,只要你的礼物是自己亲手做的,都会让人很是感激的。12、As a mtter of fact,his world would be believed all the more if he doesnt oversuaue the story. 事实上,要不是太对那个故事太过描述的话,他的话大部分都被大家所相信。错误,不应该是his world而应该是his word,另外oversuaue也不对13、Id better check in my luggage quick or Id miss my flight. 我得要快点登记我的行李了,不然我就要误机了。14、Id better be careful or Ill come to a wrong conclusion. 我宁愿谨慎点,否则我就会得出一个错误的结论。15、I was the last person to get on the plane. 我是最后一个登机的人。16、He was the fifst foreigner or work in our company. 他是在我们公司工作的第一个外国人。错误,不应该是 the fifst foreigner而应该是 the first foreigner17、You can imagine how frightened I was,but the crew were fantastic. 你可以想象当时我是多么的害怕,但是机组人员真的太棒了。18、You can imagine how tenes I was,but other passwngers were calm. 你可以想象当时我是多么的紧张,但是其他的乘客都很镇定。错误,不应该是other passwngers而应该是other passengers不应该是how tenes而应该是how tense19、Whats the use of your going there? 你去哪里有怎么用呢?20、Whats the use of his making promises without keeping them? 要是他允诺去不兑现的话还有什么意义呢?21、Whenever there is an activity,you should come to the place ahead of schedule. 不管什么时候有活动,你都应该比预期时间早点过去。22、Whenever there is an emergency,you should be there as possible. 当有紧急情况的时候,你应该尽量赶过去。23、The same is true with thr activity of seeing off a foreign guest. 这同你要送别一个国外客户的情况是一样的。24、The same is true with the habit of getting up early. 这同要早起的习惯是一样的。25、It is hard to imagine what will happen all people conerned dont come on time. 要是所有相关的人都不按时到的话,真的是很难想象。26、It is hard to imagine what will happen all of us arent on tome. 真的是很难想象,我们所有的人都不准时会是什么情况。错误,不是on tome应该是on time27、Back to Chicago,once again,continuing rain tonught through Sunday. 再次回到芝加哥,雨一直从晚上下到了周日。28、Back to American literture,once again,I think Allen poe is one of the best writers. 再次说到美国文学,我觉得艾伦.坡是最好的作家之一。29、Its expected to be cold and windy right through the weekend. 整个周末都将会是又冷又有风。30、It seemed so easy that I was waving at my teammates as I went round. 在我四处走动的时候,同我的队友挥手看起来是很简单的事情。31、Confodently,Melanie Sears entered the National Championships. Melanie Sears很自信的入选了国家锦标赛。错误,不应该是Confodently,而应该是Confidently32、Eagerly,the athletes rush to the sports ground. 运动员们很渴望的冲向了运动场。33、We realized then that we had taken a wrong approach.We ended up wasting two more months. 我们那时才意识到,我们走了错误的一步。最终我们又浪费了两个月的时间。34、With her devotion to the cause, he will realize his dream sooner or later. 因为他对理想的专注,他迟早会实现他的梦想。35、I am afraid that if I stop just once,I would be tempted to do it again. 我很害怕要是我一旦停止一次,我下次又将会有这么做的冲动。36、I am afraid that if it keeps raining,we would have to cancel the sports meet. 我很担心的是,要是一直下雨的话,我们将会要取消运动会。37、I was almost as good as the top three in swimming and running,but much slwer at cycling. 我在游泳和跑步都几乎是排名前三,但是在骑脚踏车方面就稍慢些。错误,不应该是much slwer,而应该是much slower 38、I was almost as good as the others in learning English ,but much poorer in learning math.在学习英语方面我同其他人几乎一样好,但是在学习数学上就很差了。匿名网友:1.英语句子翻译成中文问:我的英语不好,这些是考试要用的,希望大家帮帮忙,要正确的。谢谢了大...2.英文美句摘抄40个 带汉语翻译答:楼主好~这些都是名句哈~挺值得抄的,我编了序号 THOUGHT 思想篇 1. If winter comes , can spring be far behind ? P. B. Shelley , British poet 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 英国诗人, 雪莱. P. B. 2. If you doubt yourself , then indee...3.翻译成英文 两个句子答:This is a baseball, and that is an eraser4.求大神帮我翻译几个句子,下面有几个句子,可以帮...问:1901A160001A02.新的艰巨的任务使他潜在的才智得以充分发挥。 1...5.翻译几个句子.译成英语问:内容“我记得你长的很高.性格外向.你最喜欢和别人交流.你喜欢打蓝球、乒...6.谁能把这几个句子翻译成英语?问:我的一个黄色大背包在房间的桌子下面。树下的男孩是我最喜爱的朋友。我...7.翻译成英语句子问:超市里有各种各样的东西 这双鞋很便宜,我买了 我的裤子太旧了,我想买...8.请将下面几个句子翻译成英语,每句至少要有2种不同...问:1.端午节是中国的传统节日,在每年农历的五月初五 2.中国有中秋节,人们...9.麻烦帮忙翻译几个句子,翻译成英语,急!问:1、每一名员工都穿着尺寸和外观适合的工作服。 2、每一周,我们会上门收...10.求大神把这几个句子翻译成英文问:上周末我和我的朋友一起吃了晚饭。翻译成英文: 上周末我没有和我的朋友...
