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快乐其实很简单 快乐很简单感悟的句子

句子大全 2023-12-19 06:46:01

你也有过那种烦躁吗?当整个世界似乎都不和你站在一边,万事不顺。送你一根救命稻草。一家网址为www.1000awesomethings.com的网站致力于让每个愁眉不展的人挂上笑脸。网站收集了生活中点点滴滴的开心事,比如找到丢失的袜子,刚按下电梯按钮,却发现它已经停在你的楼层。 该网站的创始人尼尔??帕斯今年30岁,自言生命中烦恼不断比如妻子突然离他而去。于是他决定每天写下一个的想法,坚持1000天。自2008年6月尼克创办该网站以来,它吸引了1700万访客,每天的点击量可达5万次。让我们来分享一下他收集的开心点滴吧: 在蒙着蒸汽的镜子上用手指作画。 看天气预报发现别地儿的天气糟得多。 一下子将废物扔进了垃圾箱,太准了。 度假时发现自己居然忘了今天星期几。 摸摸口袋,竟然发现里面有钱。 发现自己还记得儿时伙伴的电话号码。 翻书时一把就翻到你想看的那一页。 换了把新牙刷刷牙。 电话响了,拿起听筒发现是刚才正在想的人。 追赶上将要出发的汽车或者火车。 干净俐落地撕下商品上的价格标签。 请别人为你挠背,他一下子挠到痒痒的部位。 以为今天是星期四,其实今天是星期五。 你打算买的东西刚好打折。 什么东西洒在衣服上,却没有留下污渍。 在帐篷里听雨声。 把手指里的刺挑出来。 认出某个演员演过哪部电影。 片刻的万籁俱寂。 完美地磕开一个鸡蛋。 挤破塑料包装上的气泡。 收到一封信,地址是手写的。 坐飞机时,一大排座位就你一。 用石头剪子布解决争端。 突然不打嗝了。 购物时,排在收银速度最快的队伍。 笑到笑不出声音。 下雪后,第一个踩出脚印。 嘲笑朋友难看的证件照片。 开了半天车都是绿灯。 刚才找的钱刚好够买下件东西。 发现明年生日那天是周末。 倒酒时泡沫刚好到达酒杯顶端,没有溢出来。 按了一下电梯按钮,却发现它已经停在你的楼层。 一大群人一起观看烟花。 广告时间换了频道,返回来的时候节目恰好。 需要拥抱的时候得到一个温暖的拥抱。 老板早下班。 踩着人行道上的干树叶发出声响。 妈妈做的炒鸡蛋。 The secret of happiness? You know those days when it seems the world isn?? on your side? When everything seems to go wrong, however trivial? Well, now there?? an antidote a website with the sole aim of putting a smile on your face.省略 lists those small, everyday pleasures which make life worthwhile, from finding a missing sock to pushing the button for the lift and finding that it is already waiting. It is the brainchild of Neil Pasricha, 30, who, beset by personal problems his wife left him, for a start, decided to write down one happy thought every day for 1,000 days. Since Neil launched the website in June 2008, it has had 17 million visitors and currently attracts more than 50,000 people a day. Here are some of the most whimsical and heart warming thoughts... * Drawing on steamed up mirrors with your fingers * Seeing on the television that the weather is much worse somewhere else * Throwing something at the rubbish bin and getting it in * On holiday when you can?? remember what day it is * Finding money in your pocket * Realising you still know your childhood friend?? phone number by heart * When a book opens on the page you were looking for * Brushing your teeth with a new toothbrush * When the phone rings and it?? the person you were just thinking about * Running for the bus or the train and actually catching it * Removing a sticky price tag in one clean peel * When you ask someone to scratch your back and they find that one, really itchy spot * Thinking it?? Thursday, when it"s actually Friday * When the thing you were already going to buy is reduced in the sale * When you spill something on your clothes, but it doesn?? stain * The sound of the rain from inside a tent * Getting a splinter out of your finger * Remembering what film that actor is from * A moment of perfect silence * Cracking an egg perfectly * Popping bubble wrap * Getting a letter with the address handwritten on * Having a whole row of seats to yourself on a plane * Using rock paper scissors to settle a dispute * When hiccups stop * Joining what turns out to be the fastest queue at the shops * Laughing so hard that no sound comes out * Making the first footprints in fresh snow * Laughing at friends??assport photographs * Going through lots of green traffic lights in one go * Paying for something with the exact change * Finding out that your birthday is at the weekend next year * Pouring a drink where the bubbles go right to the top of the glass, but don?? spill over * When you push the button for the lift and it?? already there * Big crowds enjoying fireworks * Changing the TV channel during the ads and flipping back as the programme resumes * A long hug when you need it * When your boss leaves early * Stamping on dry, crunchy leaves on the pavement * Your mum?? scrambled eggs [译自英国《每日邮报》]
