
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-12-18 04:13:01


1.An old man, with steel rimmed spectacles and very dustyclothes, sat by the side of the road, seeming not to notice thecarts, trucks and men, women and children, pouring across thepontoon bridge to the other side of the river.

2.Hurry up, or we’ll be late.

3.The candidates were assembled in the room where the interviewwas to take place.

4.When the war was over, many of the soldiers, who felt thatthey deserved better, found themselves out of work.

5.There was a violent thunderstorm and the match was heldup.



1.How this happened is not clear to anyone.

2.It made no difference to my mood whether he talked or not.

3.What she loved best in the world just then was dancing.

4.That he cannot keep up with his classmates really makes hisparents worried.


1.He was deeply displeased by what had occurred that day.

2.Are you not glad we came?

3.I wonder if I can get some advice from you.

4.I should like to see where you live, John.

5.He owned it to his first English teacher that he had a goodpronunciation.


1.The idea that the problem will resolve itself isridiculous.

2.We haven’t settled the question where we are going to spendour summer vacation.

3.He was always conscious of the fact that she did not approvewhat he was doing.

4.The news, which one day reached Gabriel, that Marie had leftthe neighborhood, had an discouraging influence upon him.



1.This was what I wished for.

2.He has never since been what he might have been.

3.What I am not quite sure about is how you are to get across theriver.

4.His thought was just that after all Bob was a fool.


1. It was not the sort ofhouse he was accustomed to.

2. That is all I can tellyou.

3. All I want to say is thatyou have to complete the work by yourself.

4. Memory of the day whenEric was born, came to him suddenly.


1. I shall go provided youconsent to accompany me; if you refuse, I shall not stir afoot.

2. Late as it was, we stillcontinued our way.

3. He had only spoken thatone word since he entered the room.

4. I remember the wholething as if it happened yesterday.



1.That’s one of the reasons that I asked you to come.

2.I do not know whether he is better or worse.

3.It was doubtful if Marie really heard him at all.

4.The place was so delightful that we stayed there allsummer.

5.That is all that I can tell you.

6.That is what I can tell you.
