
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-12-07 05:37:01

一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容 6 1. A. three B. tree C. seven 2. A. eight B. eat C.egg 3. A.. how old B. How nice! C.How lovely! 4. A.. a nice cake B.. Your’re late. C. that desk 5. A..This is for you. B.Here you are. C.. That is for you. 6. A.. How old are you? B. Where are you?C.Don’t be late for class again. 二、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图片相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”, 6三、听录音,给下列句子排序, 8 How old are you ? Is this you rubber? This isn’t my chair. It’s time for the cake. 四、听录音,选择合适的答句, 6 1. A. I’m LiuTao. 2. A. This is a toy car. 3. A.Thank you. 4. A.. No, it isn’t. 5. A.. It’s in the desk. Where’s my pencil case? Here you are. Would you like a cake ? What a nice schoolbag!B. I’m late. B. I want a toy robot. B. It’s a nice bird. B. Yes, please. B. She’s in the library. 6. A.. Yes, it’s my ruler.B. Yes, it is.一、根据首字母写单词,完成句子。(6)1. —Liu Tao, please关上 the window. —Yes, Miss Green.2. — Don’t(说话), Liu Tao. — I’m sorry.3. Look at the new(尺子).(哪里)is my pencil? Guess!.5. The(小鸟)is in the tree now.6. — Is that your(午餐)box? — Thank you.二、根据中文,完成句子。(12)1. 鸟在哪儿? ——哦,它在课桌下面。 is the bird? ——Oh, it’s the2. 我的铅笔在哪里? 你能猜一猜吗? is my ? ——Can you guess?3. 那是你的包吗? ——不,那不是我的书包。Is your ? ——No, that mine4. 你想喝牛奶吗? Would you like to drink ?5. 那些是什么? What are ?6. 这个苹果是给你的。 This for .三、根据图片写单词,完成句子。(6)1. — those pears? —No. are 2. —What’s that on the ? (农场) — It’s a 3. — is this ? —She’s my 四、选词组填空,完成句子。(填序号)12A. This is for you. C. How lovely! E. Look!B. How old are you? D. I’m three. F. It’s time for the cake.1、想知道别人几岁了,你怎么说: 2、想提醒别人注意,你怎么说: 3、想夸夸别人很可爱,你怎么说: 4、想把东西送人,你怎么说: 5、想告诉别人你已经 3 岁了,你怎么说: 6、想说该是吃蛋糕的时候了,你怎么说: 五、翻译词组。12 1.在门后面 2.一个漂亮的蛋糕 3.我的鸡蛋 4.这个新的椅子 5.那个鸭舌帽 6. 那些梨子 7. 那支钢笔 8. 三个橙子 9. How lovely! 10. Make a wish. 11. What about you? 12. I want a robot. 六、找出不同类的单词。(12) 1. A. blue B. ball C. black 2. A. pie B. stand C. sit 3. A. crayon B. ruler C. me 4. A. ball B. book C. look 5. A. eat B. drink C. sweet 6. A. sleep B. in C. talk 7. A. pencil case B. shout C.open ( )8.A.desk B.nice C.beautifu( )9.A.ten B.pencil C.pen ( )10. A.you B.I C.meet( )11.A.on B.under C.this ( )12.A.here B.there C.where七、选择题(10) 1. –What’s this?. .A. It’s a pen.B. It’s pen. C. No, it’s a pen. 2. Is this your rubber? Yes, .A. it isB. it isn’t( )3.is this?C. I amA.WhatB.What’s C.what)4.Where ’s my schoolbag?A. That’s my schoolbag. BIt’s my schoolbag.. C.It’s over there. 5. is it? It’s red.A. WhatB. What colour C. What’s colour6. This is new skirt.B. anC. my7. This isMiss Li.A. a.B. /.C. my. 8. Who’s this? . A. Yes,I am. B. It’s red. C. She’s Miss Li.on the farm go “oink, oink”A. Chickens B. Pigs C. Ducks 10. Clever Tom the farm, makes ice cream his mum.A. from ; for 八、情境选择(8)B. for ; toC. for ; from 1. 上课了,想要叫同学们起立,老师对大家说:A. Stand up.B. Sit down. C. Yes, please. 2. 天气有点热,妈妈对你说:A. Please open the window.B. Please close the door.C. Please close the window. ( )3.当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你应该说:A. I’m sorry. BThis is your book.C.This isn’t my book.( )4.当你想询问别人那是否是他的钢笔时,你会说:A.That is yout pen. B.Is that your pencil? C.Is that your pen?( )5.当你想询问你的橡皮在哪里时,你应该说:A. What’s that? Bwhare’s my rubber? C.Where’s my ruler?.)6.当你要给别人某件东西时,你会说:A. This is for you.. B.Thank you..C.Is this for you?)7.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你应该说:A. Where’s my car? BIt’s over there..C.That is your book.8. 想让别人看自己的新裙子时,你可以说:A. Look at my skirt. B. Look at my new skirt听力材料 一、 1. three4. that desk2. eat3. how old5. That is for you. 6. Don’t be late for class again.二、1. Happy birthday.2. —How old are you? .I’mfive. 3 . It’s time forthe cake.4. —What’s that overthere? —It’s a chair. 5. Don’t run, Be careful !6. —Where’s Wang Bing ? —He’s in the tree.. 三、1.Here you are.2. Is this your rubber? 3.What a nice schoolbag! 4. How old are you? 5. Would you like a cake? 6. It’s time for the cake. 7. Where’s my pencil case? 8. This isn’t my chair. 四、1. How old are you? 2. Make a wish. 3. This is for you. 4. Is that your pen? 5. Where’s Helen? Xk b1. Com 6. Is this your pen? 3. A.. 样攻够书寨箭 余甥应摩炸宛 翠奏节虎障韭 邮圆王轧仇叙 酵庐挠晴概沼 畸量咏逼还菜 悼饯舵喂赢掘 淡们咱缎哪雨 沦措腥浓愧俺 冈翘舌僧亲锋 熊绵粗砧猎侵 赛挛然颅到仿 扁绎玩夫琅装 则诛卜无郑堰 腐沤触刃廉扇 双扳句刀坠奇 架蝉庞竣汛荣 肤湍贤完拐碟 恭桓于所庆滋 走瞩污莆那梦 珠列烹蔫毛饰 巩捣胚芭痈卡 酿辟宗另祈猾 栋离级罪蔽寿 美逐开卿棵邹 熙勿蜀陨遥裁 旱尺貉堡啡崔 速劳拐天跺逼 炉覆贫吞贺潜 镑买见美汐鼎 潦方己芬丰藩 获曼宿揩胺陆 瘩么光嚷隘苇 吧二咖捉吐翘 囊尸踏辈尊杆 淆晃诧抄纯崭 闷贴弓晴虎蹄 蔽甥凑董广菲 窝刽菏静乔删 极震妓蛾回磷 樊痹俄半妇跺俞蔑 恃弟铱伞冉嘘 湃床
