
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-12-06 04:09:01

The light does not dial does not bright, reason does not debate is not clear.


bully bully mo mountain water, deceive mo Qi xin.


A have a frame, laugh and then talk.


Deep sub tree roots, old bones.


No food will die, people will not die.


The stone falls, Time reveals a man s heart.


A lie is a lie, and the crops are not allowed.


old heart is not old, poor will not poor.


Vegetables without salt and tasteless, words have no reason to.


more than a right, than the valley of good rice.


Tiger thin ambition, the poor will not short.


Thousand hammer weapon, bai Lian into steel.


Adult is not at ease, comfortable not adult.


may not change the light, the arrow does not change the steel.


Walk for fear of rain, afraid of the wrong.


A mountain climbing head, the distance bentou.


The monk does not say a ghost, there is no rice in the bag.


once the snake bites, three shy.


Do people speak on justice, shun.


Not sleeping, I do not know the child is wide.


man is afraid of reason, and the horse is afraid of the whip.


People are afraid of private, fear of shortage.


mean to get married, not long to enjoy.


Rich and cruel, rich and cruel.


People love the rich, the dog bite the poor.


People are afraid of not chi, the tree is not afraid of skin.


An evil person, million people suffer.


A flesh wound, sad words.


People hold a grudge, gentleman changzhi.


When a person, don t lie.


People afraid of temptation, fear of infiltration pond.


Day by day with the sun and the moon, people with conscience.


For the sake of small profits, difficult to become a major event.


The king is good, hard to find a kid.


Rational to tell the truth, no reason to say pretty.


students who does not have guts, force in vain.


mountain water, spirit of Wang zhi.


To know the matter, ask the country.


Look at the wood texture, speak with truth.


Ning to the straight, not on his knees.


It is better to be short, not to be evil than to be.


only to the gentleman guard, not to the villain.


Rational thinking, no reason to rush to say.


Greedy ghost is not full, do not know the rich stingy.


Eat to eat the taste, said to be rational.


Those are not high, no long life air chi.


The poor are not rising pro, rain didn t climb high pier.


Don t ride two horses, don t drink two tea.


Would rather not the gun battle, with a secret arrow.


Gentleman revenge for three years, the villain in front of revenge.


Three days to three years, do not brush.


Heroes do not eat it loss, good bird barbara drilling and stung forest.


Paper to do the flowers are not the result, wax to do the core son of fire.


blacksmith to put forceps, farming to be under their own field.


Not alone, I do not know chimiguel; do not have children, I do not know their parents.


I don t often, not afraid; afraid afraid no constant, No.


Ning is its head, not the tail; sparks of fire can start a prairie fire.


man is not in the size, the horse is not high. People go to high, water flows downwards.


Lip off skill, practice without really skill, even said full training skill.


A situation is not to do, can not enjoy the blessed.


Water wave, stone chenghuo, excited people into disaster.


People see the benefit but not harm, fish see food but not catch.


s burden, you step by step from shoulder.。


Don t know it is easier to say good is not difficult to do good.


The scholar starvation does not sell books, not to sell the sword warrior dead.


A person doesn t say two words, people do not discuss is smooth on both sides.


only on the last day, do not have to go to the mountains.


children are not afraid of wolves in the mountains, the city children are not afraid of official.


Knife without steel blade is not sharp, people have no will not firm.
