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人教版四年级英语上册 一年级起点单词列表、例句汇总人教版四年级英语上册 一年级起点单词列表、例句汇总


百家号12 3010:31



*Unit 114个单词


·running英 [rn] / v.跑步Do you like running?你喜欢跑步吗?·basketball英 [bɑsktbl] / n.篮球Do you often play basketball?你经常打篮球吗?·roller skating英 [rul sket] / 滑旱冰Do you often go roller skating?你经常去溜冰吗?·jumping rope英 / 跳绳Do you like jumping rope?你喜欢跳绳吗?·ping pong英 [p p] / n.乒乓球I also like ping pong.我也喜欢乒乓球。·What about...?英 [wɑt bat] / …怎么样?What about you,Andy?你呢,安迪?·interesting英 [ntrst] / adj.有趣的The show is interesting.We all laugh.这个节目很有趣,我们都笑了。·often英 [ftn] / adv.经常I am often late in the morning.I love sleeping.早上我经常迟到,我太爱睡觉了。·be good at英 [bi: ɡud t] / v.擅长Are you good at it?你擅长吗?·late英 [let] / adv.晚We went to bed very late.我们很晚才睡。·swim英 [swm] / n.游泳Can you swim?你会游泳吗?·friend英 [frend] / n.朋友I was riding on the back of a friends bicycle.我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。·father英 [fɑ] / n.父亲This father has a daughter and a son.这个父亲有一儿一女。·get up英 [ɡet p] / 起床When do you get up every day?你每天什么时候起床?

*Unit 222个单词

·visit ones grandparents英 / 看望外祖父母I often visit my grandparents.我经常去看望我的祖父母。·go to a drawing club英 / 去绘画俱乐部I often go to a drawing club.我经常去绘画俱乐部。·climb a hill英 / 爬山Do you often climb a hill?你经常爬山吗?·pick fruit英 / 采摘水果Do you often pick fruit?你经常采摘水果吗?·play computer games英 / 玩电脑游戏Bill likes playing computer games.比尔喜欢玩电脑游戏。·go fishing英 [ɡuf] / v.钓鱼They can go fishing in the lake.他们可以在湖里钓鱼。·go to the cinema英 [ɡu tu: sinm] / 看电影Do you often go to the cinema?你经常去看电影吗?·on the weekend英 [n wi:kend] / v.在周末Lily,do you often go to the cinema on the weekend?莉莉,你经常周末去看电影吗?·fun英 [fn] / n.有趣的Theyre all having fun at the party.他们在派对上玩得很开心。·always英 [:lwez] / adv.总是This store is always open.这家商店一直营业。·step英 [step] / vi.踏;踩Shes so excited to see hers baby girl take her first step.她的宝贝迈出了第一步,他激动极了。·paint英 [pent] / n.颜料This paint mixes easily with water.这种颜料容易与水混合。·evening英 [ivn] / n.傍晚;黄昏In the evening we watched the sunset by the beach.傍晚我们在沙滩边上看挡日落。·dirty英 [dt] / adj.脏的My hands are dirty.I must wash them.我的手很脏,必须得洗了。·their英 [e] / pron.他们的This is their whole family.这是他们一家子。·house英 [has] / n.房子The house and garden were perfection.房屋和花园都非常漂亮。·poor英 [p:r] / adj.可怜的;贫穷的The poor homeless man begged for money on the street.这个可怜的无家可归的男人在街上乞讨。·hope英 [hp] / n.希望I hope Im not disturbing you.我希望没有打扰到你。·so英 [s] / adv.那么I hope you will pardon me for doing so.我希望你原谅我这样做。·Saturday英 [stde] / n.星期六Its Saturday.今天星期六。·near英 [n] / prep.靠近The ball rolled so near the hole,it almost fell in.这个球滚到离洞很近的地方,差一点就进了。·day英 [de] / n.白天I hope you every day happy and good luck.我祝你每天快乐和好运。

*Unit 324个单词


·usually英 [jul] / adv.通常He usually works all through the night.他经常通宵工作。·by bus英 [bai bs] / adv.乘公交车I usually go to school by bus.我通常乘公共汽车上学。·by boat英 / adv.乘小船I usually go to school by boat.我通常乘小船上学。·by ship英 [bai ip] / adv.乘轮船I usually go to school by ship.我通常坐船上学。·by car英 [bai kɑ:] / adv.乘小汽车I usually go to school by car.我通常坐小汽车去上学。·by taxi英 [baitksi] / adv.乘出租车I usually go to school by taxi.我通常乘出租车上学。·by bike英 [bai baik] / adv.骑自行车I usually go to school by bike.我通常骑自行车上学。·on foot英 [n fut] / adv.步行I usually go to school on foot.我通常步行上学。·by school bus英 / adv.乘校车I usually go to school by bus.我通常乘公共汽车上学。·by subway英 / adv.乘地铁I usually go to school by subway.我通常乘地铁上学。·by plane英 [bai plein] / adv.乘飞机I usually go to school by plane.我通常坐飞机上学。·by train英 [bai trein] / adv.乘火车I usually go to school by train.我通常乘火车上学。·garden英 [gɑdn] / n.花园Lets go to the garden.我们去花园吧。·meeting place英 [mi:ti pleis] / n.集合地点Lets go to meeting place.我们去开会地点吧。·gate英 [get] / n.大门Lets go to the gate.我们到门口去吧。·transportation英 [trnspten; trɑns ] / n.交通The common forms of transportation include bus,plane,ship and train.常见的运输工具有:汽车、飞机、轮船和火车。·film英 [flm] / n.电影I must go and see this film.我一定要去看这部电影。·earth英 [θ] / n.地球;世界We only have one earth,so we should do all we can to protect her.我们只有一个地球,所以我们应该竭尽所能去保护她。·snow英 [sn] / n.雪After the snow it is really cold.下过这场雪,就觉出冷来了。·theatre英 [θt] / n.剧场A new film is on at Snow Theatre.雪剧院上演一部新电影。·come英 [km] / vi.来Will he come to your home with Christmas gifts?他会带着圣诞礼物来你家吗?·enjoy英 [nd] / vt.欣赏The play was over before we would fully enjoy it.这场戏我们还没有尽情欣赏就结束了。·park英 [pɑk] / n.公园Im going to the park.我要去公园。·apple英 [pl] / n.苹果Do you like apples?你喜欢苹果吗?

*Unit 419个单词


·pen英 [pen] / n.钢笔Can I use your pen,Joy?我能用你的钢笔吗,乔伊?·knife英 [naf] / n.小刀Can I use your knife?我能用一下你的小刀吗?·eraser英 [rez] / n.橡皮Do you have eraser?你有橡皮擦吗?·crayon英 [kren] / n.蜡笔Do you have crayon?你有蜡笔吗?·scissors英 [szz] / n.剪刀Can I use your scissors?我能用一下你的剪刀吗?·glue stick英 [ɡlu:stik] / n.胶棒Can I use your glue stick,please?我可以用你的胶棒吗?·paper英 [pep] / n.纸Do you have paper?你有纸吗?·use英 [juz] / n.使用I use a pencil to draw a picture.我用一支铅笔来画画。·please英 [pliz] / int.请Can I use your glue stick,please?我可以用你的胶棒吗?·find英 [fand] / vt.找到Follow the footprints,and you may find her.跟着脚印走,你可能会找到她。·Information Centre英 [nfmein sent] / n.咨询中心Patent Documentation and Information Centre.专利文献和信息中心。·Excuse me.英 / 对不起,打扰一下Excuse me. Youre sitting in my seat.对不起,你坐了我的座位。·phone英 [fn] / n.电话Can I use your phone?我能用一下你的电话吗?·dad英 [dd] / n.爸爸Dad spoils me. He loves me.爸爸很宠我,很爱我。·hamburger英 [hmb:g] / n.汉堡包Hamburger is unhealthy but delicious.汉堡虽不健康但好吃。·ruler英 [rul] / n.尺子I have a ruler.我有一把尺子。·pencil英 [pensl; sl] / n.铅笔I have a pencil.我有一支铅笔。·schoolbag英 [skulbɡ] / n.书包I have a schoolbag.我有一个书包。·shop英 [p] / n.商店This shop laid in a new stock of goods just a few days ago.这家商店前几天刚进了一批货。

*Unit 514个单词


·climb on the window ledge英 / 爬窗台Dont climb on the window ledge.不要爬到窗台上。·dangerous英 [dendrs] / adj.危险的Dont run down the stairs.Its dangerous!不要跑下楼梯,太危险了!·play with fire英 [ple w far] / 玩火Dont play with fire.Its dangerous.不要玩火,太危险了。·Be carefull!英 / 当心!Be carefull!Use the sidewalk.小心点!使用人行道。·run down the stairs英 / 跑下楼梯Mr Wu warned us not to run down the stairs.吴老师警告我们不要跑下楼梯。·sidewalk英 [sadwk] / n.人行道Be carefull!Use the sidewalk.小心点!使用人行道。·wait for英 [weit f:] / 等待How much longer do we have to wait for this bus?我们还要等多久的公交啊?·safe英 [sef] / adj.安全的By using the safe,your money will be safer.能了保险箱,你的钱会更安全。·stop英 [stp] / vt.停The road worker held up his hand to stop the car.修路工人举手让车停下来。·street英 [strit] / n.街道There are no people on the street at night.到了晚上,街上就空无一人。·safety rule英 [seifti ru:l] / 安全规则This is the most basic safety rule.这是最基本的安全守则。·green英 [grin] / adj.绿色的a green balloon!一个绿色气球!·red英 [red] / n.红色Show me red.给我看看红色。·play football英 [ple ftbl] / 踢足球Can you play football?你会踢足球吗?

*Unit 623个单词


·nurse英 [ns] / n.护士I want to be a nurse.我想当一名护士。·cook英 [kk] / n.厨师I want to be a cook.我想成为一名厨师。·doctor英 [dktr] / n.医生I want to be a doctor in the doctor.我想将来成为一名医生。·bus driver英 [bs draiv] / n.公交司机I want to be a bus driver.我想当一名公共汽车司机。·police officer英 [plis fs] / n.警官I want to be a police officer.我想当一名警官。·taxi driver英 [tksi draiv] / n.出租司机I want to be a taxi driver.我想当一名出租司机。·farmer英 [fɑm] / n.农民The farmer takes a rest after working for a long time.老农在长时间辛苦耕耘以后休息了一会儿。·worker英 [wk] / n.工人The worker was ready to work.工人准备好工作了。·in the future英 [in fju:t] / 将来What do you want to ben in the future?你将来想干什么?·great英 [gret] / adj.好极了I feel just great.我感觉好极了。·job英 [db] / n.工作I hate my job.我讨厌我的工作。·sick英 [sk] / adj.有病的The sick girl has to stay in bed and rest.这个生病的女孩不得不躺在床上休息。·people英 [pipl] / n.人们There are many different people in the world.世界上有许多不同的人。·teach英 [tit] / vt.教It feels rewarding to teach young children.教小孩子们感觉很是很有收获的。·just英 [dst] / adv.只是Her wedding ring fits on her finger just right.她的婚戒戴在她手上刚刚好。·myself英 [maself] / pron.我自己I felt myself blush.我不觉脸红了。·sound英 [sand] / vi.听起来The sound coming from the speakers was very clear.喇叭里传出的声音很清晰。·Monday英 [mnde; mndi] / n.星期一Its Monday.今天星期一。·Tuesday英 [tjuzde; d] / n.星期二Its Tuesday.今天星期二。·Wednesday英 [wenzd] / n.星期三Its Wednesday.今天星期三。·Thursday英 [θzde; d] / n.星期四Its Thursday.今天星期四。·Friday英 [frade] / n.星期五Its Friday.今天星期五。·teacher英 [tit] / n.老师Im a teache.我是一名教师。

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