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过渡季节 transitional seasons英语短句 例句大全

句子大全 2023-12-02 06:12:02

过渡季节,transitional seasons英语短句,例句大全季节不断地擤他的鼻子15.I used to be crazy about the hunting season.过去,打猎的季节总使我疯狂。16.a seasonal rhinitis resulting from an allergic reaction to pollen.因对花粉过敏引起的季节性鼻炎。17.It is too late in the year for improvements.这个季节进行改建已经为时过晚。18.Survival over dry seasons was mainly as immature stages.在未成熟时期要度过一个干燥季节。相关短句/例句transition season过渡季节1.Based on the characteristic of water loop heat pump in transition season,some improvements that heat pump can switch on series parallel connection to water loop heat pump system were put forward,which can make full use of the lower temperature water from heat pump in cooing and the higher temperature water from heat pump in heating.根据水环热泵在过渡季节的特性,对水环热泵系统水环路做一些改进,使热泵机组实现并串联的切换,从而充分利用刚从制冷热泵机组中出来的水的温度比较低和刚从制热热泵机组中出来的水的温度比较高的特性,达到节能的目的。3Autumn and spring season过渡性季节4time node of the transition season过渡季节时间节点1.Based on the design concept of the ventilation and air condition hybrid system,the time node of the transition season and the un guarantee temperature rate of the ventilation are proposed.以全年空调通风季节耦合运行设计思想为基础,提出过渡季节时间节点的划分和通风温度不保证率的概念,深入分析了某电影院各观众厅过渡季节通风的节能潜力,得到通风节能量与过渡季天数成正比等结论,强调节能与保证室内温度设计参数之间的平衡。5intermediate seasons过渡季1.It can be used not only for predicting the maximum cooling/heating load, but also to determine the reasonable number and size of chillers/heaters and other equipment, and to determine the operation mode in intermediate seasons.为了更好地节省空调系统能耗和获得更好的室内空气质量,基于建筑全年模拟分析的观点,提出了一种简单实用的建筑双负荷曲线分析法(TLCA),它不仅能给出最大的空调冷热负荷,而且能用于指导如何确定能满足全年运行要求的设备与冷热源的设置,并能确定过渡季的运行方式。6transitional regulation过渡调节延伸阅读傲慢季节青春 淑女 时尚系日本归国研修生jan.a.小姐,创建的集设计舆形象为一体的首家女装设计公司。 她拥有世界最先进的设计理念和精湛的制作工艺,尊菜设计生产中高档ommencihe品牌女装,凝海内外精华为一体,充分展示出都市女性的浪漫舆情怀,她以其独特的个性和适宜的价位以迅雷不及掩耳之势迅速占领上海及全园各大城市。
