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季节活动 seasonal activity英语短句 例句大全

句子大全 2023-12-02 04:59:01

季节活动,seasonal activity英语短句,例句大全个不同时间尺度对龟类野外活动节律的研究成果做了系统总结,将休眠作为一种特殊的季节活动进行了小结,并对影响龟类野外活动节律的相关因子进行了分析和探讨。英文短句/例句1.A NUMERICAL SIMULATION FOR THE INFLUENCE OF THE CHANGES OF SST UPON THE SEASONAL MOVEMENT OF SUBTROPICAL HIGH海温变化与副热带高压季节活动的数值模拟2.The Effect of the Atmospheric Intra seasonal Oscillation on Movement of East Asian Summer Monsoon;大气季节内振荡对东亚夏季风活动的影响研究3.there was a season to shoot grouse,从事不同的活动的季节用来猎松鸡,4.The Movement Patterns of Elliot s Pheasant and Its Seasonal Variation;白颈长尾雉的活动规律及其季节变化5.STUDY ON TIME ACTIVITY BUDGET OF ROUGH LEGGED BUZZARD BUTEO LAGOPUS IN SPRING IN 20082008年春季毛脚鵟活动节律的研究6.Time budgeting of captive koklass pheasant purcasia macrolopha in unbreeding season;笼养勺鸡非繁殖季节时间分配和活动节律7.It would have been just the thing to cheer them up!冬季狂欢节可能正是令他们开心的活动呢!8.Ticks are widely distributed but usually seasonal in their activities.蜱分布很广,但它们的活动通常有季节性。9.Circadian Activity Rhythm of the Two Kinds of Rodents in Captive in Spring笼养条件下两种鼠春季昼夜的活动节律比较10.Study on Herd Structure and Daytime Activity Rhythm of Argali Ovis ammon karelini in Autumn of Tianshan天山盘羊秋季集群习性和日活动节律初步观察11.Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Labile Organic Carbon under Secondary Vegetation;次生植被下土壤活性有机碳组分季节动态研究12.Study on Twice Ordering Mode in a Two Echelon Supply Chain of Single Period Products;季节性商品销售活动中的两次订购模式13.Diurnal Behavioral Rhythm,Time Budgets and Group Behavior of Dwarf Blue Sheep in Summer矮岩羊夏季活动节律、时间分配和集群行为14.Diurnal behaviors time budgets and activity rhythms of Gazella subgutturosa in winter冬季鹅喉羚昼间行为时间分配及活动节律15.Intraseasonal and Interannual Features of Australian Cold Air Activity澳洲冷空气活动的季节内和年际变化特征16.The Easter season, extending from Easter to Ascension Day, Whitsunday, or Trinity Sunday.复活节周复活节季节,从复活节开始到圣灵降临节、升天节或三一节17.The highest peak of earthquake at September corresponds to the typhoon season in Japan.9月的地震活动的最高峰与日本的台风季节相对应。18.Observation on Diurnal Activity Rhythm of Yangtze Finless Porpoise in the Semi nature Aqueous Reserve during Spring半自然水域中长江江豚春季昼间活动节律的观察相关短句/例句seasonal active layer季节活动层3Eastertide[英][i:st?taid][美][ist?,ta?d]复活节季4the seasonal assigning coefficient of the economic activity经济活动季节性模数5seasonal dynamics季节动态1.Distribution characteristics and seasonal dynamics of Cu and Zn in shrub marsh plants in mountainous areas of Northeast China;东北山地灌木沼泽植物铜、锌分布特征及季节动态2.Seasonal dynamics of dissolved organic carbon and available N in Panjin reed wetland;盘锦湿地芦苇群落土壤碱解氮及溶解性有机碳季节动态3.The seasonal dynamics of the submerged plant communities invaded by Cabomba caroliniana gray;水盾草入侵沉水植物群落的季节动态6seasonal dynamic季节动态1.Ammonium nitrogen concentration seasonal dynamics in soils from reed wetlands in Xianghai;向海芦苇沼泽湿地土壤铵态氮含量的季节动态变化2.Concentrations of exchangeable cations of soil and their seasonal dynamics in three representative forests of Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve;鼎湖山主要森林类型土壤交换性阳离子含量及其季节动态特征3.The Fulaowenpao and Erbaifangzi wetlands were chosen as typical sites to study the characteristics of seasonal dynamics of total nitrogen in marsh soils from both closed and open wetlands.以向海湿地为研究对象,研究了封闭性湿地和开放性湿地土壤全氮含量的季节动态变化特征及其氮储量。延伸阅读活动层活动层active layer huodongeeng活动层aetive layer能够完全吸收净辐射的物质层。在作物层中,辐射的吸收和放射、水分的蒸发和凝结等的热转换过程,不只发生在一个面上,而常发生在一定厚度的物质层中,这就是活动层,又称作用层。不同物质的活动层,对长波辐射和短波辐射的吸收各不相同,活动层厚度也不一样。例如,就短波辐射而言,在砂性土壤中,活动层厚达几毫米,在水中可达几米甚至几十米;就长波辐射而论,在雪被和水域上,活动层厚仅几分之一毫米;在疏松的耕地上,可增至几厘米。在农田中,不论短波或长波辐射,作物层就是农田活动层。 活动层的厚度和性质,决定于活动面的种类、状态以及到达活动面的辐射性质。活动面状况不同,活动层性质也不同,下垫面辐射性质也随之而异,形成不同的辐射状况,产生不同的小气候特点。 江广恒
