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英语作文描写人之四 动作和心理描写的英文句型 范文

句子大全 2023-10-08 07:25:01

动作与心理 action and mind 描写

一、I jumped off the bus before it stopped and began walking down the street. As I had arrived early, I decided to look at the shop windows before going home. The idea made me quite happy, but at the same time I had the unpleasant feeling that I had forgotten something. I stopped in the middle of the pavement and began searching for my pockets. All of a sudden I remembered that I was without my briefcase! I had left it on the bus and it was full of my important papers. The sad thought was enough to make me start running down the street, though ,by now, the bus was out of sight. 译文 在车没停稳前我就跳下了车,沿着马路溜达。因为我到得早,我决定在回家前逛逛街。这个想法让我很高兴,但同时我有一种不祥的预感,我肯定忘记了什么东西。我停在路的当中,开始摸索我的口袋。突然我想起来我忘记了我的公文包!我把它忘在了公交车上,而且里面有很多重要的文件。想到这里我开始在街上狂奔,但是公交车早已不见踪影。 注释 1. 作者在文章中详细描述了自己的心情的变化,特别以开始的愉快的心情到后来的失落的心情,整个过程写得非常生动有趣,使读者仿佛身临其境。我们尤其要注意的是文章中作者的动作和心理状态。首先是开心的心情,他用了happy来表达他愉快的心情,后来他感到担心,作者用了unpleasant这个词。这些都是用来表示人的情感的词语。最后一句话,他用sad来表达了自己失落的心情。从开心到失落的起伏,使文章显得很活泼。我们也可以利用这种方法。 2.我们常说人有喜怒哀乐。丰富的情感是人类的一个重要特征。在写作中,对人物情感的描写常常能使人物的形象显得生动鲜活。人的情感可以分很多种,如喜悦、满意、失望、悲伤、憎恨、愤怒、惊讶、恐惧、赞赏等等。在英语中有一些固定的词和句式来表达这些不同的情感。 喜悦 A.He is very happy and sweet. 他又高兴又甜蜜。 B.They didn’t know what to do with themselves for joy. 他们高兴得不知道怎们办好。 C.He jumped for fun. 他高兴得跳了起来。 D.Her face brightened up. 她喜形于色。 满意 A.The result is satisfactory. 结果令人满意。 B.It is difficult to please everybody. 众口难调。 C.There is always a smile of contentment on her face. 她脸上总是挂着心满意足的微笑。 D.She belongs to those who are very difficult to satisfy. 她属于那种极难讨好的人。 E.Seeing their task finished gives them a sense of satisfaction. 看到任务完成了,他们感到很满意。 惊讶 A.I’m surprised to find you here. 在这里看到你我很奇怪。 B.It’s nothing to be surprised about. 这不值得大惊小怪。 C.To my surprise, he didn’t come yesterday. 令我吃惊的是他昨天没有来。 D.She looked at me in amazement. 她惊奇的看着我。 E.Her appearance fairly took my breath away. 她的美貌令我神魂颠倒。 F.Everyone looked at her in astonishment. 大家都惊讶地看着她。 悲伤 A.He looks so sad. 他看起来很悲伤。 B.He is no stranger to sorrow. 他生活在悲伤中。 C.His sad story makes her feel pity. 他的悲惨经历使她深表同情。 D.His wife’s disease took away his appetite. 妻子的病令他茶饭不思。 E.The news depresses her. 这个消息让她愁苦。 愤怒 A.She was burning with anger. 她怒火中烧。 B.He easily loses his temper. 他很容易发脾气。 C.He was in a rage. 他大发雷霆。 D.She was red with anger. 她因为发怒脸涨得通红。 3.例文中有很多词语用到了作者当时的动作,这也是描写人的重要一点。利用适当的词语对表达人们的心理和性格有很大的帮助。所以,我们应该多掌握一些这样的动词。

本文共 3 页,第[1]页
