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英语作文经常用到的句子 英语作文经常用到的句型和词汇作业帮

句子大全 2023-10-08 04:13:01

额 下面是我初三的时候常用的 整理了一下 希望可以对你有用 先是一些短语,很多作文都适用,反正那么多,慢慢用连接词:First,Second,After that,Later on,Last,As we all know...递进:Whats more?In addition承接:in fact,as a matter of fact结果:as a result找原因:results from the fact that...;the cause/reasons are...;because,because of 列举:For example,for instance,take...for example,such as...对比:on the other hand,in other words,in comparison,in contrast,be similar to ,similarly,compared with...反应: to ones joy/surprise...想法:In my opinion强调:anyway,needless to say,in fact,surely,certainly,no doubt,without any doubt总结:generally speaking,to put it briefly,to sum up,in conclusion,in a word,in short...结论:in a word,on the whole表条件关系:as long ason condition that,if,unless 下面是一些句子 书上看来的 因为是科普英语的作文书 很多都是针对科普类作文的 我自己总结了下 有这么几句话是比较大众化的 很多文章适用开头:一 直击问题 表述观点1 Nowadays,xxxx plays an important role in peoples daily life.2 Many countries have been faced with the problem of...3 Recently,...has become a heated topic.4 In this article,I shall draw your attention to the problem of... 二 引经据典 权威论证1 A proverb says...2 As everyone knows...3 No one can deny that... 补充几句英语谚语吧A lazy youth,a lazy age少壮不努力 老大徒伤悲Everything must have a beginning.凡事都有起源Quality matters more than quantity 质量比数量重要Zeal without knowledge is fire without light 有热情而物质时犹如有火焰而无光芒.Curiosity killed a cat好奇害死猫能用上的话也不错啊... 三 故事 问题 引人入胜1 Last night,its raining hard.Suddenly,a scene caught my eyes...2 It is an unbelievable story ever happend in his life.3 以问句形式开头 如Why do you catch a cold?... 结尾首尾呼应:1 From what has been mentioned above,we can draw the conclusion that...2 In conclusion,it is necessary that...3 Thus/therefore,we can find that...因为这些都是科普类文章的 所以可能适用范围比较少我个人认为结尾的话 就点名一下主旨 通常么就把文章第一句话换一种形式表达一下... 暂时就这点了 如果是用来应试的话 应该可以了 看到回答的问友 无论觉得好不好 尊重我的劳动成果 不要擅自引用 谢谢
