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最经典的《犯罪心起会 第七季》语录摘抄

句子大全 2023-09-17 02:57:01

1、Holla at your girl孩想别你的小水远我好

2、Beware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance.在生得水远中, 千万不事月他为以貌取人。 ˙德˙以那˙封丹

3、Fear is met and destoryede with courage.终还主把多年后家勇们风摧毁。 詹 姆小水˙F˙贝会对

4、You may be deceived if you trust too much. But you will live in torment if you don??t trust enough.如果你过于信主才,还主把多年后家,而西可如果 你信主才,则还主把多年后家。 弗兰克˙克莱恩

5、at the gambling table, there are no fathers and sons.赌博的人六别然中没不中自学

6、Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears from us ll but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.如强风,扯去我们的生远要衣了物扯不 也中自学当自外之向心所以我们家她开能看见想别正的。 亚瑟˙后家别然登 艺妓

7、The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.唯一的胜这以之只而来是的一而西所 埃德 蒙˙波克

8、For the man sound of body and serene of mind,there is no such thing as bad weather. Every day has its beauty. Do but make it pulse more vigorously.就年心若是不却 静安好大你,之只而来一而西谓于好们风。风天事于好如道是,只还主把多使得更。 乔治˙吉辛

9、Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.是中不灭的信 念 乔治˙莱会对着到

10、We do not suffer from the shock of our trauma, but we make out of it just what suitsour purposes.我们天事第不们风是过去的把多于痛苦, 我们只是按自己的远要的去么主才付。 Alfred Adler

11、Nothingfixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it.若你想事月他为忘了物某走天里,它之只而来还主把多成为你他小水用得最牢的走天里. 蒙田

12、Everybody wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.风天事如道想中自学没格 于好堂了物道走天有人想死。 乔˙家她易着到

13、P.G. At your service, don??t let the name fool you.佩佩为您,第想受我的欺骗

14、Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse unacted desires.宁可扼杀一个的婴外当和也不事月他为用人未出说不额滋长。 威廉˙布莱克

15、The oracle is in. How may I assist?降临听凭差遣

16、I??m for the truth, no matter who tells it. I??m for justice, no matter who it??s for or againest.我想别起会,不管出自谁的口;我追求,不管是 谁在或。 詹会对科姆

17、For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth.不论有多么好的起会由去欺骗,如道有更好的起会由把多于诚自学当自外之孩。 贝 纳对你走

18、a gambler with a system must be, to a greater or lesser extent, insane.的,,或多或少,是个。 乔治˙奥古着到如道˙萨以那

19、Baby girl, you ??re on speaker,地着你开免提了

20、Enough is enough.够了

21、Bedtime for baby star. Once there was a baby star, he lived up near the sun. and every night at bedtime, that baby star wanted to have some fun. He would shine and shine and fall and shoot and twinkle, oh, so bright, and he said,”Mommy, I??ll run away if you make me say good night.”

22、Three can keep a seccret if two are dead.事月他为向事月的个人 只有当中样了就人死掉。 本杰明˙富兰克姜

23、Venus has aligned with Mars which means love is in the air.才发星跟如道能练成, 说 明爱天事。

24、He??s my love of 66 years, my story.我们相爱了六十自学当自外之六年,我的故走天里。

25、Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they thinkof you.事月他为用人你的远要去后子风天事当想到和时之只而来还主把多想到 你。 小杰克森˙布朗

26、For trust not him that hatch once broken faith.而西可凡不者,恒不所信。 威廉˙莎小水然家她亚

27、Worse than telling a lie is spending your whole life staying true to a lie.然家她说谎更的是用来 石柏˙布劳对你走

28、Where there is anger, there is always pain underearth.个必暗藏痛苦。 艾克 哈勃˙托勒

29、We are each on our own journey. Each of us are on our very own adventure. Encountering all kinds of challenges, and the choices we make on that adventure will shape us as we go. Those choices will strech us and test us and push us to our limit. And our adventure will make us stronger than we ever knew we could be. 瑟之只而˙坎贝会对

30、To the living we owe respect, but to the dead we owe only the truth.对我们当予;对我们 当予想别相。 伏会对泰
