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句子大全 2023-09-08 03:54:01


一、一般疑问句. BE动词或者情态动词提前. 例如:You are a boy. Are you a boy? L can swim. Can l swim? 特殊疑问句要由疑问代词或疑问副词开头,询问的内容不同, 使用的疑问词也不同。我们学过的疑问词有what询问事物, how much询问价格, what time 询问时间,尤其是点钟, what kind of询问种类, why询问原因,who询问人, where询问地点 等等。如: What is this? 这是什么? It s a key. 这是一把钥匙。 How much is it? 这个多少钱? It s twenty dollars. 二十美元。 What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢哪一类型的电影? I like action movies. 我喜欢动作片。

二、特殊的语序。 特殊疑问句由疑问词开头,其构成是 疑问词 + 一般疑问句 。如: What time is it? 现在几点钟? Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?


2英语改句子方法 1 形容词性:

a 用作表语现在分词表示主语 具有的特征 ,过去分词表示主语 所处的状态

The story is very interesting. 那个故事很有趣。故事的特征

The crowds in the street are flowing past in an endless stream. 街上的人川流不息。人群的特征

Her right hand was burned in the severe fire. 她的右手在那场大火中被烧伤了。右手所处的状态

He is interested in the story. 他对那个故事很感兴趣。他所处的状态

b 用作定语相当于省略主语的定语从句。现在分词表示被修饰词所具有的特征,过去分词表示主语所处的状态

The trees were planted last month. They grow well. 合并句子,用分词作定语

现改为定语从句:The trees which grow well were planted last month.

省略主语并把grow 变为分词:The trees growing well were planted last month. 树木的特征

c 用作宾补现在分词表示宾语所具有的特征,过去分词表示宾语所处的状态

All the work was finished in two hours. 改写句子,用分词作宾补

They had all the work finished in two hours. 宾语all the work 最后的状态是finished


I had mywallet stolen on the bus. wallet 的状态是 stolen

2 副词性用作时间、原因、条件、让步、伴随方式

He was laughed at everyone, but he didn t give up.改写句子,用分词作状语

He didn t give up though laughed at everyone. 让步状语

He was depressed.He didn t feel like going to work. 合并句子,用分词作状语

He was depressed, not feeling like going to work. 伴随状语


I will not go although invited.

特别说明分词不具有名词性,作宾语的 doing 称作动名词

3英语几种句子的改写方法 虚拟语气using subjunctive mood、

He suggested us going out for a walk.

=He suggested that we should go out for a walk.

非限定形式using a non finite verbaform

Tom is a teenage boy and he has run away from his home

=Tom,who isa teenage boy,has runaway from his home.

修饰性状语combining the tow sentenses by using a Adjunct

Jack under a tree.He was reading a book.

=Jack sat under a tree,reading a book.

连接性状语从句combining the tow sentenses by using a Conjunct

Tom and his companion are sailing down the river.Suddenly ,they see something ahead in the water.

=Tom and his companion are sailing down the river when they see something ahead in the water.

4英语陈述句改写成一般疑问句 1 总结起来很简单,就是be动词的句型,be动词一律提前到句首。

2 带有情态动词can, may, must 和need的句子,情态动词提前即可。同样,带有表示将来时态的shall或will的句子,shall或will提前即可。

3 行为动词do类的句子,用助动词do来帮忙,将do提前,后面用动词原形。比较复杂点的就是第三人称单数,需要用does做助动词。


1 He is a teacher. Is he a teacher?


Be动词的变化形式有:am, is, are; was, were

2 He can do it well Can he do it well?



3 He does his homework at home every day. Does he do his homework at home every day?


I go shopping every Sunday. Do you go shooping every Sunday?


