
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-08-17 05:09:01

1.这个经常下雨.(两种)There is often rain./It often rains here.2.我们很惊讶地在火车站看到西蒙.We are surprised to see Simon at the train station.3.沿着这条路走,到红绿灯处,你就会看到那撞楼.Go along this street to the traffic light,then you will see that building.4.老师来了,请停止讲话.Here comes the teacher,please stop talking.5.三个穿警察制服的人从车里出来.Three man in police uniform get out of the car.6.突然一个大个子把他推进了厢式货车的后面.Suddenly a tall man pull him into the back of the van.7.杰尔现在坐在我左边.Jill is sitting on my left now.8.在一字路口向右转,你会发现入口处就在你前面.Turn right to the cross,and you will find the entrance before yourself.9.这个强盗从大厦跑了出去.This robber runs out of the building.10.我们走不同的路线好吗?Shall we take different routes?11.一个穿红色衣服的女孩站在街道的拐弯处.A girl in red is standing at the corner of the street.12.当交通灯是红色是不能过马路.You cant go across the road when the traffic light is red.13.学英语不是很难.It isnt too difficult to learn English.14.明天我们去公园好吗?Shall we go to the park tomorrow?15.她认为天要下雨了.She thinks it is going to rain tomorrow.16.互联网上有成千上万的网站.There are thousands of webs on the Internet.17.我们打算在星期六进行烧烤.We are going to have a barbecue on Saturday.18.你们什么时候举行聚会.When are you going to have your party?19.大部分学生能准时到校.Most of the students can get to school on time.20.他邀请我们去吃晚饭.He invited us to have dinner21.你可以乘地铁去中国银行.You can go to the Bank of China by underground.
