
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2023-08-17 04:05:01

1.我们正在享受美好时光。We are having a great time.2.我正站在中国的长城上和你谈话。I’m standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you.3.在伦敦,现在是五点钟,人们正在下班回家。In London it’s five o’clock and people are leaving work and are going home.4.人们不是在起床,洗漱或穿衣服。People aren’t getting up, washing or getting dressed.5.来自好莱坞的问候。Greetings from Hollywood!6.你们正在为春节做准备吗?Are you getting ready for Spring Festival ?7.你们有什么过春节的习俗?What traditions do you have at / for Spring Festival ?8.我们通常用剪纸装饰门窗。We usually decorate the doors and windows with paper cuts.9.我们的父母和祖父母给我们新年礼物。Our parents and grandparents give us New Year presents.10.戴着眼镜的那个男孩是谁?Who is the boy with glasses?11.你周末打算做什么?What are you going to do at the weekend?12.然后,我打算为考试进行复习。Then I’m going to revise for my test.13.我们打算去爬长城。We are going to walk up the Great Wall.14.我正盼望着和父母一起去迪斯尼乐园。I’m looking forward to going to Disneyland with my parents.15.他们打算去观光,因为他们喜欢中国的文化。They are going to do some sightseeing because they like Chinese culture.16.在将来,每个人都将在家里学习。Everybody will study at home in the future.17.老师也不用粉笔在黑板上写字。The teachers won’t write on a blackboard with chalk.18.(将来)会有大雨和强风。There will be heavy rain and strong winds.19.(将来)枯燥乏味的工作将由机器来做,所以,谁也不用干重活。Machines will do the dull jobs ,so no one will do heavy work.20.人们将有漫长的假期和很多的闲暇时间。People will have long holidays and lots of free time.21.上海比香港大。Shanghai is bigger than Hong Kong.22.请问,你能回答我作业中的问题吗?Can you answer some questions for my homework, please?23.上海的人口有多少?What’s the population of Shanghai?24.在英国北部,有一些湖泊和低矮的山脉。In the north of England there are some lakes and low mountains.25.在英国,夏天天气从来不会太热,冬天天气从来不会太冷。It’s never very hot in summer, or very cold in winter.

