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句子大全 2023-07-18 07:15:01



发布时间:04 0418:06情感达人

一、我到现在也不知道,自己到底有没有爱过你,只知道那个时候,眼泪是真的,想和你在一起一辈子,也是真的I still dont know whether I have loved you or not. I only know that tears were real at that time. I want to spend my whole life with you. Its also true

二、人生的长河,我们每一个人只是一粒粒尘埃,时间也就是最好的证明,感情的世界里没有谁是离开了谁就会活不下去The long river of life, each of us is just a grain of dust. Time is the best proof that no one in the world of feelings can live without leaving

三、有时候坚强并不是什么好事情,生活本来简单,只是我们人为地掺杂了许多不必要的东西,无论你今天怎么用力,明天的落叶还是会飘下来,人生本无常,无常是人生的一种常态,要学着习惯适应这种无常Sometimes being strong is not a good thing. Life is simple, but we artificially mix many unnecessary things. No matter how hard you try today, tomorrows leaves will still come down. Life is impermanent. Impermanence is a normal state of life. Learn to adapt to it

四、人的一生,只要我们不丧失对生活的信心,对理想的追求,做你想做的,爱你想爱的Peoples life, as long as we dont lose the confidence in life, the pursuit of ideals, do what you want to do, love what you want to love

五、如果该奋斗的去奋斗了,该拼搏的去拼搏了,就能平常心看待得失:梦想是一时无法实现的,目标是短期难以达到的If the fight to fight, the fight to fight, you can normally see the gains and losses: the dream cant be achieved for a while, the goal is a short term difficult

六、年少时,学习最重要;年轻时,努力最重要;中年时,责任最重要;老年时,健康最重要,所以一切都源于生命的变化There will always be people who say Hello, and there will be people who say you are not good, but as long as you do things with a clear conscience, you do not have to be obsessed with the judgment of others

七、总会有人说你好,也会有人说你不好,但只要做人做事问心无愧,就不必执念于他人的评判Dont affect your mood because of other peoples words and expressions

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