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暖男 暖女必备 10 个赞美句子让你轻松闯入别人心房

句子大全 2023-07-15 04:36:02

暖男、暖女必备,10 个赞美句子让你轻松闯入别人心房发布日期:2019 09 03


别只会用 Good! Great! Nice! 称赞别人了,来学学其他赞美别人的方法吧!东方文化较为谦虚、保守,而西方文化则较不吝于称赞他人,所以要快速融入他们,不要忘记大大地称赞他们哦。接下来就教大家 10 句称赞别人的实用佳句,以及 3 句回应赞美的句子。

1. You’re awesome. 你太棒了。

You’re awesome. The presentation was really impressive.你太棒了,这次的简报让我印象非常深刻。

2. You did a good job. 你做得很好。

Eden, you did a good job in the marathon.Eden,你在马拉松赛上表现得很好!

其他相似说法:Nice going!

You got the first prize? Nice going!你得到第一名吗?做得好!

3. I am so proud of somebody. 我非常以(某人)为荣。

I am so proud of my students.我以我的学生为荣。

4. You’ve got a great personality. 你人真的很好。

It doesn’t mean that you are not attractive when someone says “you’ve got a great personality”.有人说你人很好,不代表就你没有吸引力。

5. You’re really talented/professional. 你非常有天份 / 专业。

The paintings you drew are so life like. You’re really talented!这些图画栩栩如生,你真的非常有天份!

6. You have a great sense of humor. 你好幽默。


He knows what to say at the right time and he also has a great sense of humor.他知道看场合说话,而且也很有幽默感。

7. You’re really something! 你真不简单!

Your volunteering experience in Cambodia truly inspired me. You’re really something.你在柬埔寨当志愿者的经验启发了我。你真不简单!

8. I admire you! 我佩服你!

admire 后面除了接佩服的人,也可以加上具体的能力或事物哦~

I’ve always admired his great strength of will.我总是佩服他坚强的意志力。

9. Way to go. 这样做就对了

Way to go! We’re going to the finals.这样就对了!我们要进决赛了。

10. That’s impressive! 这好厉害!

A: He built the whole thing himself.B: Oh, wow! That’s so impressive!A: 他一个人完成了所有事情。B: 哇!这太厉害了!


当外国朋友说你做得很好时,千万别回 No, no, no,学会下面的表达方式,大大方方地谢谢他就好了,这样也能拉近与外国朋友的距离哦!

1. Thank you. That’s very kind of you. 谢谢你,你人真好。2. Thank you. I appreciate the compliment. 谢谢你的赞美。3. Thank you. I am very grateful. 谢谢你,我很感激。
