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最近微信上很火的中英文句子 我愿抓住此生辽阔 然后赠你满天星火

句子大全 2023-06-05 05:59:01

1 我愿抓住此生辽阔,然后赠你满天星火。

I would like to seize the vastness of this life, and give you a starry fire.

2 从不喜欢迁就,却为你妥协很久。

Never like accommodating, but compromise for you for a long time.

3 你说纸短情长,愿对无惶,后来烽火连月,独留一世猖狂。

You say paper is short and long, willing to be no fear. Later, the flames of war continued for months.

4 没有什么不乐意,你走我就放你走。

Ill let you go if you go.

5 如果可以回到几年前,我一定会绕过那个地方,然后有预谋的错过你。

If I could go back a few years, I would have bypassed that place and missed you premeditated.

6 依赖的时候有多快乐,失去的时候就有多痛苦。

How happy you are when you are dependent, and how painful you are when you lose them.

7 寻了半生的春天,你一笑 便是了。

Find half the life of spring, you smile is.

8 我不要天上的星星,我要世俗的爱情。

I do not want stars in the sky, I want secular love.

9 我所拥有的都是侥幸,我所失去的都是人生。

All I have is luck, all I lose is life.

10 希望我所拼命争取的,最后都能如我所愿。

I hope that what I desperately strive for, and finally can be as I wish.

