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句子大全 2023-05-28 02:42:01


Want to live a few more years, remember: life is short, one day less, do not waste time on unhappy things. Open, light, there is no obstacle can not pass.

二、翻脸不如翻身,生气不如争气。活着不是靠泪水博得同情,而是靠汗水赢得掌声。Turn over rather than turn over, angry rather than fight. Living does not depend on tears to win sympathy, but on sweat to win applause.

三、不要太乖,不想做的事可以拒绝,做不到的事不用勉强,不喜欢的话假装没听见。Dont be too good, dont want to do things can be rejected, can not do things do not force, do not like words pretend not to hear.

四、我失望到顶点后,就再不会回头了。毕竟,你有你的执着,我也有我的洒脱。When Im disappointed, theres no turning back. After all, you have your persistence, I also have my free and easy.

五、我可以笑着给你讲道理,也可以翻脸告诉你什么叫规矩。I can laugh and reason with you, or I can turn around and tell you the rules.

六、有的人总是在寻找,凡到手的,都不是他要的。有的人从来不寻找,凡到手的,都是他要的。各有各的活法,好不好,天知道。Some people are always looking for, and whatever they get, its not what he wants. Some people never look for it, and whatever they get, its what they want. Each has his own way of life, okay, God knows.

七、岁月让我知道了除了快递、工资、公交车、下班和大姨妈,我谁都不必等。Years have taught me that I dont have to wait for anyone but express delivery, pay, buses, work and my period.


Theres no one to miss, and people who leave are just passers by. What fate is unjust, it is laziness that makes you incompetent.

九、哪有什么选择恐惧症,还不是因为穷;哪有什么优柔寡断,还不是因为怂。There is no choice phobia, not because of poverty; Theres no such thing as indecision, its not because of wuss.

十、别总是恃宠而骄,别让肯对你好的人受够了你装的逼,爱是相互的,没人欠你的。Dont always be arrogant, and dont let Ken be good to the people enough you pretend to be forced, love is mutual, no one owes you.


The way is different, you hate me, I do not necessarily like you, why aggressive effort of speech is also annoying, you are busy but I do not have time to accompany you.

十二、爱可以简简单单,但不能随随便便。我的微笑可以给任何人,但我的心只能给一个人。Love can be simple, but not casual. My smile can be given to anyone, but my heart can only be given to one person.

十三、成年人的世界,应该是干脆又果断。不耽误任何人,不消耗任何人,不浪费任何人,这是一种善良。The world of the adult should be straightforward and decisive. It is good not to delay anyone, not to consume anyone, not to waste anyone.

十四、事实证明,女人更见不得男人的眼泪。女人哭,女人输;男人哭,还是女人输。It turns out that women are less likely to see mens tears. Women cry, women lose; Men cry, women lose.


Always live to see, and smile especially bright, do not care about other peoples pointing, do your own, so that those who look down on you can not afford to climb, so that people who can look up to you like you more.

十六、你要和我计较,我绝对不会大方。你要特别慷慨,我绝对比你敞亮。你心换我心,真心对真心。If youre gon na argue with me, Im not gon na be generous. You have to be very generous. Im definitely brighter than you. Your heart for mine, your heart for mine.


From today, to be a difficult person, enjoy the face of the annoying people, fair to the people who love to say, would rather live a few years, just want to be happy.

十八、人生没什么好迷茫的,走的随意一点潇洒一点,反正终点都是定好的,又不用怕迷路。Life is nothing to be confused, go casual a bit of dashing, anyway the end point is fixed, do not be afraid to get lost.

十九、在这个年头里:能干的不如能说的,有情的不如有颜的,掏心的不如掏钱的,厚道的不如圆滑的!In this year: capable is not as good as can be said, there is love is not as good as Yan, the heart is not as good as the money, the magnanimity is not as smooth!

二十、没有人是生来就无情的,都是经历并看到了太多自己不想看到的,而选择了关上自己的某扇门。No one is born ruthless, are experienced and see too much they do not want to see, and choose to close their own door.
