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句子大全 2023-01-21 05:23:01

1、What is food to one, is to others bitter poison.——Titus Lucretius Carus卢克莱修(古罗马、唯物):吾之,汝之鸩毒。

2、The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary.Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.——Joseph Conrad约瑟夫?康拉德(波兰出生的英国):将的归结于超的是没有的,自身就足以每一种。

3、Hotch: This is special agent Dr. Reid.(这位是我们的探员Reid。)Man: You look too young to have gone to medical school.(你看上去还不到上的啊。)Reid: They re Ph.Ds. 3 of them.(我有三个博士了。)Man surprised: Are you a genius or something?(**你是个之类的吧?)

4、尼采说,“一件的不,不是驳斥其的,还不如以一种特定的来。” 尼采

5、Birds sing after a storm.Why shouldn’t people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?——Rose Kennedy罗丝?肯尼迪(肯尼迪的):在后,为什么在仍是普照的还不尽情呢?

6、长有,栖于之上,,无需言表,天音袅袅,环绕。 Emily Dickinson


8、For we pay a price for everything we get or take in this world, and, although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won.任何所取,必,虽值得,却非之物 Lucille Maud Montgomery

9、Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath. Eckhart Tolle


11、●Try again.Fail again.Fail better.——Samuel BeckettSamuel Beckett(当代最的剧作家):再试,再,更好地失败。


13、我们来到这个上,在饱受的,也是为了它可以有多,而你究竟能看到多少看到什么,往往取决于,你的。 长洱

14、爱得太深,会所有和 。When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor nor worthiness 欧里庇得斯

15、“刑从连。”“在。”“虽然我是之主。”“但我,你可以做主。” 长洱

16、有人说,可以治愈一切。我不这么认为,一直存在着,到时候,为了,会用,减轻,但它不会消失。 Rose Kennedy

17、那不是你的错,要承担的人有很多,暂时还轮不到您。 长洱

18、No man really knows about other human beings.The best he can do is to suppose that they are like himself.没有人真正另一。他所能做到的最多就是他们和自己。 John Steinbeck


20、人总以为,是充满的,但上,每个人的,都只不过是来去双程。 长洱

21、You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment if you don t trust enough.

22、Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not,and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad.都有之苦,不为所知,我们常说人,其实他只是。

23、Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events.Adrienne Rich, 16/05/1929 , 美国诗人//女权, 被称为20第二代最受和最有的诗人之一 ●艾德里安娜·里奇:每一段对过去的回忆都因与过去的重合,而,。

24、一件事情的,与其通过驳斥其存在本身来证明,倒不如通过驳斥使这不性存在的来。 尼采

25、Tomorrow, you promise yourself it will be different, yet, it is too often a repetition of today.

26、Hopeis the thing with feathers.That perches in the soul.And sings the tune without the word.And never stops at all. Emily Dickinson

27、CRIMINAL MINDS 004:我生于,长于,我翱翔于风,从未远去。 长洱


29、“这就是被掩盖的。又的击碎了我的,打破幕后一切,这段无法公布,凶手的所希望的狂潮无法下去,因性,她真的很美。” 长洱

