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句子大全 2022-11-20 05:40:01

短的英语句子大全导读: 1、如果我能回到从前,我会选择不认识你。不是我后悔, 是我不能面对现在的结局。If I could go back to the past, I would choose not to know you. Its not that I regret, its that I cant face the end now.2、人生恰如三月花,倾我一生一世念。来如飞花散似烟,醉里 不知年华限。Life is like a March flower. I will spend my whole life thinking about it. Like flying flowers scattering like smoke, drunk do not know the time limit.3、你别去打扰他,别一有什么都想和他分享,别满腔热血说完 只剩下尴尬。Dont bother him, dont want to share everything with him, dont talk with all your blood and leave only embarrassment.4、没有一种服装比起你的爱更合身,没有一种装饰比起你的爱 更迷人。No dress fits better than your love, no decoration is more charming than your love.5、在遇见你以前,我没想过要结婚,遇见了之后,结婚这件事 我就没想过别人。Before I met you, I didnt think about getting married. 欢迎阅读After I met you, I didnt think about anyone else about getting married.6、你身边那么拥挤我又不是唯一,我身边并不拥挤你来便是唯 一。You are so crowded around me, I am not the only one, I am not crowded around you, you are the only one.7、院子正中生着树,一树的枯枝高高印在淡青的天上,像瓷上 的冰纹。Trees were growing in the yard. The withered branches of a tree were high in the pale blue sky, like ice patterns on porcelain.8、没人遮风挡雨就自己撑起一片天,别总自顾客,谁活着都挺 为难。No one shelters from the wind and rain, they hold up a day, dont always from customers, who are very difficult to live.9、你以为现在就是人生的低谷了吗,其实你还有很大的下跌空 间呢。Do you think now is the low point of life? In fact, you still have a lot of room to fall.10、如果有一天我说想你了,不是这天我想你了,而是这天我 憋不住了。If one day I say I miss you, its not the day I miss you, but 欢迎阅读the day I cant hold back. 11、如果爱情不落到:洗衣、做饭、数钱、带孩子这些零散的小事上,是不容易长久的。 If love does not fall on such trivial things as laundry,cooking, counting money and taking children, it will not be easy to last long.12、永远那是太远,我们也都承诺不起。时光的变换,一切都 只是曾经。Its always too far, and we cant promise it. Time changes, everything is just once.13、在看的见的地方,我的眼睛和你在一起;在看不见的地方, 我的心和你在一起。Where I see, my eyes are with you; Where I cannot see, my heart is with you.14、付出不一定有收获,但付出的过程便是一种享受,能够让 你进步,体会人生百态。Pay may not necessarily have a harvest, but the process of pay is a kind of enjoyment, can let you progress, experience life.15、初见是惊鸿一瞥,南柯一梦是你。等待是山重水复,怦然 心动也是你。First sight is a glimpse of surprise. Nankes dream is you. 欢迎阅读Waiting for the mountains and rivers to recover, the heartbeat is also you.16、你我本无交集,奈何你从未身边路过,别无他法,对你, 我只剩包容。You and I have no intersection, but you never pass by, there is no other way, for you, I only have tolerance.17、如果你觉得自己整天累的像狗一样,你真是误会大了,狗 都没有你这么累。If you think youre tired like a dog all day, youre wrong. Dogs arent as tired as you are.18、我的期待有很多,比如睡到自然醒,比如醒来就能看到我 爱的天气和你。I have many expectations, such as waking up naturally, waking up to see the weather I love and you.19、对呀,我特别喜欢钱,但不是因为喜欢钱,而是因为喜欢 钱能买到的自由。Yes, I like money very much, not because I like money, but because I like the freedom money can buy.20、你要是想我了,你就回来。我明天有空,后天有空。只要 你想我了,我每天都有空。If you miss me, youll come back. Im free tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. As long as you miss me, Im free every 欢迎阅读day. 21、喜欢一个人是克制不住想要跟他亲近,跟他说话,了解他的一切。 Like a person is unable to resist the desire to be close tohim, talk to him, understand everything about him. 22、这世上曾有过一个我,曾有过一个你,曾有过一段清澈如水的相遇。 There was once a me in this world, a you, and a clear watermeeting. 23、爱情,正如一切闪光的东西一样,需在暗处才能更见其光明。 Love, like everything that glitters, needs to be seen in thedark. 24、如果不能在一起,就不要给对方任何希望任何暗示,这才是最大的温柔。 If you cant be together, dont give each other any hope orhint, this is the greatest tenderness. 25、在这个世界上,没有人真正可以对另一个人的伤痛感同身受。 In this world, no one can really feel the pain of anotherperson. 26、道法法不可道,问心心无可问,悟者便成天地,空来自在 欢迎阅读其中。 Taoism, law and law can not be Tao, and the mind can notbe questioned, so the enlightened person will come from heaven and earth, and emptiness comes from them.27、最好的生活状态不过就是,一个人,安静而丰盛,两个人, 温暖而踏实。The best state of life is just one person, quiet and plentiful, two people, warm and down to earth.28、你把我当人看,我就把你当人看。你把我当鬼看,我就做 鬼给你看。If you treat me as a person, I will treat you as a person. If you look at me as a ghost, I will show you as a ghost.29、爱情这个东西,有的时候能打败一切,可有的时候,一切 都能打败爱情。Sometimes love can defeat everything, but sometimes everything can defeat love.30、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于我,你是我的整个 世界。To the world, you are one person, but to me, you are my whole world.31、看不惯就互相讨厌,这也算一种理想的人际关系,至少谁 都不用装模作样。 欢迎阅读If you cant get used to it, you hate each other. Its also an ideal interpersonal relationship. At least no one has to pretend.32、如果你觉得大海是最干净透彻的,那是你没见过我的眼睛, 因为我的眼里只有你。If you think the sea is the cleanest and thoroughest, you have never seen my eyes, because I only have you in my eyes.33、有时候其实没生气,就是故意闹脾气,因为,你的紧张在 意,会让我觉得安心。Sometimes when you are not angry, you just intentionally lose your temper, because your nervousness will make me feel at ease.34、孤独的人喜欢深夜,多情的人喜欢黄昏,幸福的人喜欢阳 光,伤心的人偏爱风雨。Lonely people like late night, passionate people like dusk, happy people like sunshine, sad people prefer wind and rain.35、好心情入睡的条件,要么喜欢的人和你聊天,要么游戏最 后一局赢了。The conditions for a good mood to fall asleep are either the person you like to chat with you or the last game wins.36、喜欢那早已失去的温暖,放弃夕阳行中面带微笑的你,吵 了,淡了,散了。Like that already lost warmth, give up the sunset line with 欢迎阅读a smile on your face, noisy, light, scattered. 37、如果你决定去做一件有意义的事,那就不问结果,过程远比它重要。 If you decide to do something meaningful, dont askabout the outcome. The process is much more important than it.38、虽然岁月磨平了我们的棱角,但内心住着的那个小孩还是 不想长大。Although years have smoothed our edges and corners, the child who lives in the heart still does not want to grow up.39、我们有什么好怕的,我们来到这个世上,就没打算活着回 去!What are we afraid of? When we come to this world, we have no intention of going back alive!40、愿你有深夜的酒,也有清晨的吻和粥,愿你想念时可以拥 抱,深爱时不必躲藏。May you have wine late at night, kisses and porridge early in the morning, hugs when you miss, and no hiding when you love.41、爱与被爱,大概就是这样,我找不到你,我会担心,而你 找不到我,会回家。Love and be loved, thats probably the case. I cant find 欢迎阅读you, Ill worry, and you cant find me, youll go home. 42、她的眼睛同灯光重叠的那一瞬间,就像在夕阳的余晖里飞舞的妖艳而美丽的夜光虫。 The moment her eyes overlap with the light is like agorgeous and beautiful noctilucent bug dancing in the afterglow of the sunset.43、伏特加是我们拥有的一种奢侈品,鱼子酱也是我们拥有的 一种奢侈品,但时间不是。Vodka is a luxury we have, caviar is a luxury we have, but time is not.44、怎么会爱上了他,还不是因为眼瞎,放弃了整片森林,被 颗破草绊倒了。How can I fall in love with him? Its not because Im blind. I gave up the whole forest and tripped over by a broken grass.45、你说,我想你了。那时我的心流淌如天空,化不开的软软 的是月亮。You say, I miss you. At that time, my heart flowed like the sky, and the moon was the soft thing that could not be melted.46、每个人身边都需要一个,出去玩当借口的人,家长听了肯 定放心的人。Everyone needs a person beside him who goes out to play as an excuse. Parents are sure to be reassured when they hear 欢迎阅读about it. 47、他像一阵晚风,清爽而又久违,给我的生活,带来八千种滋味。 He is like a night breeze, refreshing and long lost, to mylife, bring 8000 kinds of taste. 48、熬过几个无人知晓的秋冬春夏,撑过去,一切都会顺着,你想要的方向走。 Through a few unknown autumn, winter, spring andsummer, through, everything will follow the direction you want to go.49、简约不是少,而是没有多余,足够也不是多,而是刚好你 在。Simplicity is not less, but no redundancy, not enough, but just you.50、希望当爱褪去**的外表,回归平淡的真身,我们还能握着彼 此的手,一直走下去。Hope that when love fades away its passionate appearance and returns to its plain reality, we can still hold each others hands and go on.51、人在的时候,总以为有机会,其实人生就是减法,见一面 就少一面。People always think that there is an opportunity. In fact, 欢迎阅读life is a subtraction, and there is only one side less when we meet each other.52、我真的什么也没有想。所以那种感觉,那种朝着一个方向 疯狂奔跑的感觉,真好。I really dont think about anything. So the feeling, the feeling of running madly in one direction, is really good.53、年纪越大越不爱解释和说服,说来话长,人生苦短,求同 存异,爱咋咋地。The older you get, the less you like explaining and persuading, the longer you talk, the shorter your life, seeking common ground while reserving differences, and how you like it.54、一些事,若细想,就不是那么回事,若不细想,不就是那 么回事。Some things, if you think carefully, are not the same thing, if you do not think carefully, it is not the same thing.55、看不到,听不到,何苦自寻烦恼。不想吵,不想闹,最近 心态良好。If you cant see, you cant hear, why bother yourself? Dont want to quarrel, dont want to quarrel, recently in a good mood.56、虽然我很喜欢她,但始终没有告诉她。因为我知道得不到 欢迎阅读的东西永远是最好的。 Although I liked her very much, I never told her. Because Iknow what I cant get is always the best. 57、世界上最幸福的事,就是和一个不庸俗的人,做一对庸俗的情侣。 The happiest thing in the world is to be a vulgar couplewith someone who is not vulgar. 58、留不住的人没必要强求,不合适的人终究会分开,可以不聪明,但别不清醒。 There is no need for those who cant stay. The unsuitablepeople will eventually be separated. They may not be wise, but dont wake up.59、就算有一天我的眼睛看不见了,我还是会认出你,我的心 会看到你。Even if one day my eyes cant see, I will recognize you, and my heart will see you.60、只是爱情,更像是邂逅一场盛景后,摆出的美丽苍凉的手 势。Just love, more like a beautiful and desolate gesture after encountering a grand scene.
