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《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》经典台词中英双语对照The Dark Knight

句子大全 2022-07-20 15:28:01

中英双语对照)The Dark Knight

Things always get worse before they get better.事情在变好之前,总会变的更糟。

You see, madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push!疯狂就像地心引力,需要做的只是轻轻一推。

You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.要么作为英雄而死,要么苟活到目睹自己被逼成恶棍。

Why so serious?干嘛那么认真?

Let’s put a smile on that face!脸上来点儿笑吧!

Now I see the funny side, now I’m always smiling.现在我总是看到事物有趣的一面,总是笑口常开。

I’m like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one… I’d just do things.我就是只追着车跑的狗。即使追上了也完全不知道自己要干嘛……我只是为了做点什么。

Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos, I’m an agent of chaos , and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair.制造点小小骚动,打乱原有的秩序,然后一切就变得混乱了,而我就是混乱的代表,你知道混乱的好处不?它能带来公平。

Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying!当事情“按计划”进行时,没有人会惊慌,即使这个计划是可怕的。

I believe… whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger.我相信,那些没杀你的原因会让你变得更加······怪异。

You will hunt me.你会追捕我。You will condemn me.你会谴责我。Set the dogs on me.你会放狗咬我。Because that is what needs to happen.因为这是需要发生的。Because sometimes the truth is not good enough.因为有时候真相还不够好。Sometimes people deserve more.人们需要更多。Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.有时人们的信念应该得到回报。

There’s no going back,you’ve changed things forever.已经不可能恢复原样了,你永远的改变了这些事情。

I just wanna see her smile again.我只想再见到她的笑容。

Cant rely on anyone these days. You gotta do everything yourself. Dont we?这年头你谁都靠不住,你什么事都得自己来,不是吗?Thats okay. I came prepared.没关系,我是有备而来的。

It’s a funny world we live in, speaking of which, you wanna know how I got these scars?咱这世界可真够好笑的,说起来,想知道我这脸上的疤哪儿来的么?

Whenever you stitch youself up, you made a bloody mess.你每次给自己缝针都会搞得血肉模糊。Yeah. It makes me learn from my mistakes.是啊。这能让我从错误中学到东西。

Im whatever Gotham needs me to be.哥谭希望我是什么人,我就是什么人。

Have you ever had to talk to the person you loved most tell them its gonna be all right, when you know its not? Well, youre about to know what that feels like, gordon. Then you can look me in the eye and tell me youre sorry.你有没有这种感觉,你明知道你最爱的人可能死去,你却只能对他们撒谎。告诉他们一切都会好起来,但你却知道那不可能。等你明白这种感受,你就会看着我的眼睛对我说:对不起!


翻译研究 黄国文:“请进来”与“走出去”,关于学术国际化问题的思考


容易误译的英语 Where is your cap? 你的礼貌到哪里去了?
