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让人暖心的优美句子 简短走心 句句有韵味!

句子大全 2022-05-21 15:00:01



06 1215:50

一、不期待,不承诺,爱在冷漠中是最美的;不说痛苦,不后悔,爱在平淡中,是最真实的。原来,总有一种相遇,那是心灵的慰藉;总有一种依附,那是命中的喜悦。命运注定了,无法逃避,无法抛弃;吸进灵魂,无法离开!Without expectation, without commitment, love is the most beautiful in indifference; without pain, without regret, love is the most real in insipidity. Originally, there is always an encounter, that is the soul of comfort; there is always a dependence, that is the joy of life. Fate is doomed, can not escape, can not abandon; Inhale the soul, can not leave!

二、人生中有太多的遗憾,太多的悲伤和太多的无助。摩擦、误会、纠结和怨恨都可以成为生活的阴影、痛苦和悲伤。因此,我们必须学会忘记,忘记爱的感激和怨恨,忘记所有的悲伤,忘记所有的仇恨,忘记所有的痛苦,忘记所有不愉快的事情。There are too many regrets, too much sadness and too much helplessness in life. Friction, misunderstanding, entanglement and resentment can all be the shadows, pains and sorrows of life. Therefore, we must learn to forget, to forget the gratitude and resentment of love, to forget all sorrow, to forget all hatred, to forget all pain, to forget all unpleasant things.

三、我认为最可悲的是不要错过。相反,我遇见了,得到了,并且在匆忙中迷失了。然后心脏就变成了一个疤痕。当你感到疼痛时,它会让你感到疼痛。I think the saddest thing is not to miss it. Instead, I met, got, and lost in a hurry. Then the heart becomes a scar. When you feel pain, it makes you feel pain.

四、不管你是否愿意承认,大多数生活中所爱的人都会从陌生变成熟悉,然后从熟悉变成陌生。渐渐地,触动我们的不是我爱你,而是我陪着你。爱不是终点,友谊是终点。Whether you want to admit it or not, most of the people you love in life change from strangeness to familiarity, and then from familiarity to strangeness. Gradually, what touches us is not that I love you, but that I am with you. Love is not the end, but friendship is the end.

五、起初喜欢你是真的,想在一起是真的,感动是真的,幸福是真的,没有安全感是真的,没有生存感是真的,想一起走是真的,不情愿也是真的,这次我想离开,也是真的。At first like you is true, want to be together is true, moving is true, happiness is true, no sense of security is true, no sense of survival is true, want to go together is true, unwilling is true, this time I want to leave, is also true.

六、从现在开始,珍惜尘世种种的爱,让每一天,都安宁如水,慈悲简静。从此,浮生一阙,日暮天涯。铅华洗尽,宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落,望天空云卷云舒。From now on, cherish all kinds of love in the world, so that every day, peace as water, compassion and quiet. From then on, floating life, the end of the day. Lead washed out, spoiled and humiliated, see the flowers blooming and falling in front of the courtyard, look at the sky clouds.

七、在自己的人生中, 不论多少事情过不去, 也要让自己的心情过得去。 懂得选择,才能幸福; 懂得大气,才能快乐; 懂得承受压力,才能撑起生命的坚强 。In your life, no matter how many things cant go through, you should make your mood go through. Only when we know how to choose can we be happy; only when we know the atmosphere can we be happy; only when we know how to withstand pressure can we support the strength of life.

八、即便无人喝彩,也要守住自己的人生。每一次失败,都是成功的伏笔;每一次考验,都有一份收获;每一次泪水,都有一次醒悟;每一次磨难,都有生命的财富。每一次伤痛,都是成长的支柱。Keep your life even if nobody cheers. Every failure is the foreshadowing of success; every test, there is a harvest; every tear, there is an awakening; every tribulation, there is lifes wealth. Every pain is the pillar of growth.

九、 人生往往这样,你以为的希望,其实是让你陷得更深达到绝望;而你认为无尽的绝望,在一拐角却满眼希望。Life is often like this. What you think of as hope is that you are trapped deeper into despair, while what you think of as endless despair is that there is hope in a corner.

十、就像生活,就像爱情,就像婚姻,是永远的永恒话题,永远没有定论,因为任何这其中的一件都是牵一发而动全身。所以,一个人要真正的去理解感情这件事,就永远不要执着于自己的感情本身,否则永远不可能理解。Like life, like love, like marriage, is an eternal topic, and there is no final conclusion, because any one of these is touching the whole body. Therefore, if a person wants to really understand the emotions, he should never stick to his own feelings, otherwise he can never understand them.

十一、我不知道,下辈子是否有缘还能遇见你,所以我今生才会,那么努力,把最好的给你。骆驼不会哭,因为它知道水的珍贵。我也是不会哭的,因为我知道那爱的虚伪。I dont know if I can meet you in the next life, so I will try my best to give you the best. Camels dont cry because they know the value of water. I will not cry, because I know the hypocrisy of love.

十二、真正的顺其自然,是竭尽所能之后的不强求,而非两手一摊的不作为。与其对当下的生活满腹牢骚,不如努力地去改变;有时候我真想忘了你,只记得这个世界,然而,我常常忘了整个世界,只记得你。Really let nature take its course, is not to force after doing everything possible, but not to do nothing at all. Instead of complaining about the current life, try to change it. Sometimes I really want to forget you and only remember the world. However, I often forget the whole world and only remember you.

十三、感情不应该是一个人的独白,如果他一直不入戏,你又何必再为他苦唱情歌。别守着一棵不会开花的树,也别等着一个不会回来的人,要知道,有些事再坚持也只是徒劳。Emotion should not be a soliloquy of a person, if he has not been in the theatre, why do you sing love songs for him again? Dont wait for a tree that wont blossom or a person who wont come back. You know, its only in vain to persist in some things.

十四、有时候,你放弃了某个人,不是因为你不再在乎。而是因为你意识到他们不在乎了。人嘛,不要活得太累,不要忙的太疲惫;想吃了不要太嫌贵,想穿了不要说浪费;心烦了找个朋友聚聚会,瞌睡了倒下头就去睡。心态平和永远最美,天天快乐才对。Sometimes, you give up someone, not because you dont care anymore. Its because you realize they dont care. Man, dont live too tired, dont be too busy and tired; want to eat too expensive, want to wear, dont waste; get upset to find a friend party, fall asleep and go to sleep. Peace of mind is always the most beautiful, happy every day is right.

十五、如果有一天,我变得没心没肺。请记得,我曾经善良过,如果有一天,我变得冷漠了,请记得,我曾经也被冷漠过,如果有一天,我不会在乎任何事,请记得,曾经也没有人在乎过我;别人稍一注意你,你就敞开心扉,你觉得这是坦率,其实这是孤独。If one day, I become heartless. Please remember, I was kind, if one day, I became indifferent, please remember, I was also indifferent, if one day, I will not care about anything, please remember, once nobody cared about me; others a little attention to you, you open your heart, you think it is frank, in fact, it is lonely.


最近更新:06 1215:50


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