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哥特黑暗系恶魔的句子 冷门暗黑系英文歌 伤感绝望想哭的那种还有治愈系!

句子大全 2022-05-15 09:14:01

导航: >哥特黑暗系恶魔的句子,冷门暗黑系英文歌 伤感绝望想哭的那种还有治愈系!时间:2018 3 10相关问题:匿名网友:Dancing On My Own Pixie Lott & G Dragon & TOPYou know Im trying to make it happen for us你知道我试着挽救我们之间的感情right now现在I got to do what I got to do me and尽我所能做好我所该做的you你I remember we were living like Kings and我们曾经就像国王和Queens皇后般一起生活In the little tiny castle made of hopes在我们充满着希望和and dreams梦想的小小城堡里It was destiny It was meant to就像命运般,一切就像是be注定It was so complete the perfect那么的完整,那么完美的team契合And suddenly theres a glitch in the而突然之间这一切就system变了样And between us is a big strip of我们之间渐行distance渐远They say it supposed to make the heart grow他们说爱情就必须盲目fonder的相信For more like I can tell it couldnt be但我想似乎不能再wronger错下去A little bit of more goes a long心渐渐的way走远A little bit of right goes the wrong渐渐的就这么way错下去I keep giving you keep我不断的付出而你持续taking的索取Im trying to make a living be我真的试着让自己patient更有耐心一些All dressed up nowhere to go一身华丽装扮却无处可去So所以Im dancing on my own我独自跳着舞Ive been waiting way too等了很久long很久Dancing on my own独自跳着舞Play one more一首接一首sooooooooo~ng歌But you are not而你还是没有coming回来Sooooooooo~ng歌But you are not coming home你仍然没有回来这里Listen听I dont want you dancing by我没想过让你yourself独自跳舞And I dont want you picturing yourself with更不想让你想像着和someone else另一个人跳舞I know I made some promises and承诺你的那些honestly I wanna just to work out说真的我只是想让一切再回到原本的样子I didnt know the shining star I found was bout to burn不曾查觉我的闪亮星星已经渐渐陨落So what now We go around like a而现在我们就只是不停的......余下全文>>
