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思辨性 的翻译结果

句子大全 2022-04-09 11:49:02

The characteristic of mode of science thinking is positivity while it is speculativity in mode of philosophy thinking. 科学思维方式的特性是实证性 ; 哲学思维方式的特性是思辨性。 Marxist philosophys Speculativity is scientific one that is the unity of Spculativity and practicality. 马克思主义哲学的思辨性是与实践性相统一的科学的思辨性 With the rapid development in Chinas social life , the education of ethical value of the youth has become an issue of importance. In the education . the social guidance is the core, and the personal political convictions and the life objectives are two important areas, and the dialectics practicality and aethetics are the fundamental principles of ethicS education. 随着社会的发展,对青年思想道德素质教育中道德价值教育显得十分重要,在道德价值教育中,导向教育是核心,人生目的和信仰教育是重点,而思辨性、实践性和审美性教育是其基本原则,只有正确把握了道德价值教育的核心、重点和原则,才能使对青年进行的道德价值教育具有实质性的效果。 The language of poetry brings the poetic nature of language into full play. 诗的语言在语言中最具“思辨性” ,最大程度彰显了语言的诗意本性。 4 the prevailing research method is non empirical research; 4研究方法以思辨性研究为主 ; But the development of Buddha challenged that of Confucianism. 但佛学的思辨性和修行的简便化以及佛教的发展,构成了对儒学发展的挑战。 However it is observed that Chinese scholars are largely inclined to the qualitative speculative researches,quantitative studies belittled. 目前,我国大多数研究者对音乐心理学的研究方法还是停留在采用定性研究中的思辨性方法,定性研究中质的研究类型不多,定量研究更少。 From The Speculative Totality To The Symptomatic Reading: The Contemporary Turning In The Literary Critique Of The Western Marxism 从总体性思辨到症状阅读 The Speculativity of the Mode of Philosophic Thinking 哲学思维方式的思辨性 Q A on Sex 性问答 Q&A on Sex 性问答 Consider Carefully for Informatization 思辨信息化 查询“思辨性”译词为用户自定义的双语例句我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句 没有找到相关例句

Materialist conception of nature taking both Yin and Yang as representive studied seismogenesis from the motion of matter and was main knowledge of ancient seismogenesis theories of China. The idea of heaven and earth response believed earthquake disasters and other calamities to be codemnation and warning to the world issured by God and the ideal of Gods will is idealist.These theories of seismogenesis had existed simulataneously for long time before science has not been developed and some ideals have been...

Materialist conception of nature taking both Yin and Yang as representive studied seismogenesis from the motion of matter and was main knowledge of ancient seismogenesis theories of China. The idea of heaven and earth response believed earthquake disasters and other calamities to be codemnation and warning to the world issured by God and the ideal of Gods will is idealist.These theories of seismogenesis had existed simulataneously for long time before science has not been developed and some ideals have been utilized and handed down for several thousand years. At the present science development, the ideal and dialectics of ancient theories are still helpful.


By the features of "non fictitious" and "personal experience", "New Real Life Experience Fiction" has broken through traditional conception of fiction. Inhibited and self controlled by the subject,the spearhead of thought and philosophy hides more deeply into natural surroundings and worldly life. The dividing line between life and art becomes even more difficult to make clear. "New Real Life Experience Fiction" has brought up a question what fiction should be in present times.


This paper comments on the striking characteristics of The History of Ancient Chinese Fables. The book involves cultural point of view, comparative approaches, extension and profoundness of ideas and various scopes of writing history. This paper points out that the work is a new achievement in the research of ancient Chinese fables history with cultural, fluid, evolutionary, dialectical and open characteristics.


