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英文带翻译的读书名言警句 读书名言

句子大全 2022-03-11 16:21:01

二、春蚕到死丝方尽,人至期颐亦不休。一息尚存须努力,留作青年好范畴。Try to dead silk, to there as well。 Life must be hard, reserved for the youth good category。 三、旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。Old books get back to read, read up on pondering self knowledge。 四、自古圣贤,盛德大业,未有不由学而成者也。The ancient sages and soldiery, also did not learn from。 五、书,能够还给我们一颗童心;书,能够让我们永葆青春。One can also childlike innocence; A book, can let our eternal youth。 六、学如逆水行舟,不进则退。学习如赶路,不能慢一步。Learn like a stream, not to advance is to go back。 Learning such as road, cant slow step。 七、好学而不勤问非真好学者。Its good to ask the scholars studious and not often。 八、学问是艰苦上长出的甜果。Sweet fruit that grows on learning is hard。 九、如果不想在世界上虚度一生,那就要学习一辈子。If you dont want to wasted life in the world, that is about to study for a lifetime。 十、没有求知欲的学生,就像没有翅膀的鸟儿。No students curiosity, like a wingless bird。 十一、吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。One is finite, while knowledge is infinite。 十二、时间是脑力劳动者的资本。Time is the capital of knowledge workers。 十三、赶脚的对头是脚懒,学习的对头是自满。At the right foot is lazy, an opponent of study is complacency。 十四、书到用时方恨少,学富五车不为多。Books to time square hate less, the educated not。 十五、读书百遍,其义自见。Read hundreds of times, see its righteousness。 十六、学习不但意味着接受新知识,同时还要修正错误乃至对错误的认识。Learn not only means to accept the new knowledge, at the same time to correct mistakes and wrong understanding. 十七、知识是取之不尽,用之不竭的。只有最大限度地挖掘它,才能体会到学习的乐趣。Knowledge is inexhaustible, inexhaustible。 Only maximize the mining, it can experience the fun of learning。 十八、日日行,不怕千万里;时时学,不怕千万卷。多练多乖,不练就呆。Day after day, is not afraid of thousand miles; Always learning, not afraid to do. Practice much more lovely, dont I stay. 十九、获得知识的第一步是要知道自己无知。For the first step to knowledge is to know that his own ignorance。 二十、读书破万卷,下笔如有神。Read volumes, such as writing。
