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AI 五子棋

句子大全 2021-11-29 09:14:01

We can find that the mode 2 has acceptable response time after 3 times improvement. However,the mode 2 is not perfect. Sometimes, the player has won in depth=2 but the AI give the best one in depth = 3. The evaluation function in the mode 2 is very difficult to design. The mode 1 just needs to consider the best choice but the evaluation function in the mode 2 need focus on analysis the board and get the report which player is better. Besides, most of the time we playGomoku like the mode 1. We try to find the best valuable places on board. However, the mode 2 can be extended.

I think that AlphaGo has similar AI system. I believe AlphaGo also need to use Minimax with α–β pruning and then exclude the invaluable places so that make the number of the leaves countable. It is difficult to design the evaluation function for AI. AlphaGo uses the machine learning make each step more valuable because we cannot cover all possibilities.

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