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字体设计 的翻译结果

句子大全 2021-10-06 16:49:01

The Font Design in Packaging 包装中的字体设计 The types of fonts on the packaging, the main points of font design, the attribute and the change of design on the packaging were discussed. 包装上的字体类型; 包装上的字体设计要点,属性及其设计变化。 Cultivating the Consciousness of Calligraphy in theTeaching of Script Designing 字体设计教学中的书法意识培养 "Style Designing Model" and Designing Thought "字体设计模型"与设计思维 Basic Scription Design 基础字体设计 Conception of Latin Type Design 拉丁字体设计的创意构思 On the Importance of Letter form Design in Contemtorary Plane Design 浅谈现代平面设计中的字体设计 On the Design of Chinese Character Scripts 关于汉字字体设计的几点浅见 Chinese,as a medium for the history and culture of the Chinese nationality,is an inexhaustible source for the design of modern characters. 汉字这种汉民族历史文化的载体,是现代字体设计的一个取之不尽的源泉。 查询“字体设计”译词为用户自定义的双语例句我想查看译文中含有:的双语例句 为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。As we begin to use plates as a billing mechanism, lots of issues emerge such as font design, etc.The final project will cover font design by the manipulation of existing typefaces.Apparent differences in recorded weathering rates on marble tombstones were here found to be partly a result of lettering size measured, measuring devices used, and individual observers.Amino acids indicated in bold lettering are important in ferric enterobactin binding of FepA; the corresponding residues in FetA are also in bold.ADA emphasizes thetheinboth color and surface, the addition of braile lettering and the height and location of the signage.Authors should letter their drawings neatly with upper and lower case lettering.Authors are requested to use bold lettering that can be read from a distance 1.5 meters. 点击查询相关文摘相关查询
