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把阳光的早安的句子送给自己 句句精华 满满正能量!

句子大全 2021-03-03 14:00:01



发布时间:04 1811:45

一,做自己想做的事 说自己能说的话 守得住没有光的人 终究会闪闪发光 早安

Do what you want to do, say what you can say, hold on. People without light will shine. Good morning

二,默默努力,活成自己想要的模样. 早安

Work hard in silence and live as you want. good morning

三,你若有一个不屈的灵魂 脚下就会有一片坚实的土地 早安

If you have an unyielding soul, you will have a solid land at your feet. Good morning

四,你要记住,所有的幸运,都源自不懈的努力 早安

Remember, all luck comes from hard work. Good morning

五,你现在多走的每一步 都在拉着你和别人的距离 早安

Every step you take now is pulling you away from everyone else. Good morning

六,没有人能让我输,除非我不想赢 早安

No one can make me lose unless I dont want to win good morning

七,我们应该像不倒翁一样,在哪儿跌倒就在哪儿爬起来 早安

We should be like tumblers. We should get up wherever we fall. Good morning

八,聚散总是无常 人生别来无恙 早安

Gathering and parting are always impermanent. Good morning

九,趁着年轻千万别穷的心安理得 早安

Dont be poor while you are young. Good morning

十,你给出的太多会很容易被当做理所应当 早安

Too much of what you give can easily be taken for granted good morning

十一,你要保持很多热爱和一点点野心 早安

You have to keep a lot of love and a little ambition. Good morning

十二,你要活的尽兴清白而归 早安

Good morning. Youre gonna live and be clean

十三,不负光阴就是最好的努力,努力就是最好的自己 早安

Living up to time is the best effort, and hard work is the best self. Good morning

十四,人总有过不去的坎,请对生活保持希望 早安

People always have a hurdle, please keep hope for life good morning

十五,不乱于心 不困于情 不畏将来 不念过往 早安

Dont be confused, dont be trapped, dont be afraid of the future, dont read the past, good morning

十六,每天的太阳都是新的,不要辜负了美好的晨光 早安

The sun is new every day, dont let down the beautiful morning light. Good morning

十七,好好去爱 努力生活 把所有的不快乐给昨天 把所有的努力给今天 早安

Love hard, live hard, give all your unhappiness to yesterday, give all your effort to today. Good morning

十八,心存阳光 必有诗和远方 心中有爱 何惧人生荒凉 早安

If you have sunshine in your heart, you must have poetry and love in your heart. Why are you afraid of life being desolate? Good morning

十九,不沉迷于幻想 不茫然于未来 走今天的路 过当下的生活 早安

Dont indulge in fantasy, dont be at a loss for the future, walk today, pass the present life, good morning

二十,每天多一份努力,不为别的,只为了日后能多多一点选择 早安

One more effort every day, not for anything else, just to choose a little more good morning in the future

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