
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2020-11-28 11:49:01

英语日常交流句子有哪些你知道吗?下面小编收集了一些英语日常交流句子分享给大家,希望对大家有用。 英语日常交流句子如下: nothing is serious. it s up to me w: is there anything borthering you? m: i m on the black list, and which people are getting fired by the company. w: don t worry about your job. it s up to me. m: we have spent a lot of money since my mother was sick. w: nothing serious. it s up to me. m: thank you so much. maybe you are wrong w: just now i asked you to give a call to mr. zhang, did you? m: didn t you ask me to call mr. wang? w: no. maybe you are wrong. m: xiao liu, what did you ask me to do? w: i didn t call you. maybe you are wrong. m: maybe i am. it s not quite the same w: is it beautiful on the beach? m: it is ok when seeing it from far away, but it s not the case when seeing it up close. w:it shouldn t be like this. m: the movie for today is too boring. w: the tv presented it pretty well. m: it s not the case. i am short of money, too w: can you lend me some money? m: sorry, i m short of money, too. w: ok. i ll borrow some from someone else. m: when are you going to return the money you owe me? w: i have no money now. so what can i do? m: do your best to return my money. i m short of money, too. it s not easy to explain in several words w: can you explain it to me clearly on the phone? m: it s not easy to explain in several words. w: shall we meet sometime to talk about it? m: can you teach me how to write an article? w: it s not easy to explain in several words. m: what should i learn first in order to write? what do you think? w: did you see your on line friend? m: yes. we had a dinner together. w: what did you think about it? m: is your suit newly bought? w: yes. what do you think of it? m: nice. it s quite pretty. it s not the case w: you offended one of our most important clients. m: listen to me. it s not the case. w: sorry, but you are fired. m: i d like to buy a white shirt. w: do you think this one looks nice? m: what i want is not the case. how s business lately? w: how s business lately? m: still the same. not so good and not so bad, either. w: well, there is economic depression. m: it seemed you made a lot of money lately, didn t you? w: no, i lost a lot of money. how s your business lately? m: i am no better than you. have a nice sleep w: mingming, are you sleeping? m: i just went to bed. is there anything happening? w: then i ll talk to you tomorrow. have a nice sleep. m: how do you wake up suddenly? w: i had a nightmare and was frightened to wake up. m: it s just a dream. have a nice sleep. nothing at all m: i heard you found a new boyfriend. w: nothing at all. who said so? m: i just heard about it when going to the w.c. w: you will be promoted to the manager soon, won t you? m: no,it s nothing at all. i ve just worked here for a few years. w: but the news is being spread in the whole company. it s not the truth w: i heard we lost a deal because of your mistake. m: it s not the truth. w: then what s going on? m: how can the newspaper push the story? it s not even the truth. w: it s no problem even if they pushed a little. m: i do not think it s good. not that good but not that bad either w: how s work lately? m: not that good, but not that bad, either. w: that s good enough. just go on with your work then. m: i heard that you earned a lot of money lately, didn t you? w: no. how about you? m: still the same. not that good but not that bad either. still the same thing w: baby, don t get angery. m: can t you say something else? still the same thing. w: but i really don t know how to please people. m: your marketing campaign is still the same. w: do you have anything new? m: you must have something creative. it s true w: wanglei is going to go abroad next month. m: i haven t seen him much recently. w: it s true. it was a recent decision. m: do i look slim today? w: it s true. have you lost weight? m: no. it s because the suit. don t join the fun w: there are a lot of people there. it seems a fight happening. m: don t join the fun. just leave immediately. w: i ll have a glance and come back at once. m: i heard you d like to study for an accountant s license. w: yeah,a lot of colleagues would like to. m: don t join the fun. you are not on the staff. it s really the case w: many discounts in shopping malls are fooling people. m: really? it s terrible. w: it s really the case. i heard it from the working staff. m: doctor, is it hard to cure my son? w: it s really the case, if only you had found it out a little earlier. m: i really can t accept that fact. work for nothing w: i m so annoyed. i ve prepared so long for the exam, but it was canceled. m: then you work for nothing? w: you made a point. m: i had thought there would be a lot of people yesterday and i had prepared a lot of food for them. w: then what? m: very few people came. so i worked for nothing. don t be too picky w: what do you think of this wallet? m: not good. i don t like it. w: don t be too picky. just buy one. w: my boyfriend is a little short. m: don t be too picky as long as he is a nice guy. w:that s reasonable. i don t mean that w: do you know that medicines have a lot of side effects? m: then we just stop taking them. w: i don t mean that. we should take less. m: could you stop talking? w: you mean i m in the way? m: i don t mean that. more or less w: are these pants a little bit fat? m: more or less. w: i d better change for a smaller one. m: do you like li ling? w: more or less. m: why don t you not make a friend with her then?
