
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2020-07-20 14:56:01



发布时间:04 0218:47


Youth is the non stop meeting and missing.


How to explain youth, I cant say for sure, I only know that in youth, there were a group of people, in dormitories, in canteens, on the playground, in the classroom, we had endless conversations


"At that time, we were 16 or 17 years old, the time was very slow, the summer was very long, an old song sang and sang, some people will always take it to heart."


Boring is very necessary.What a person does in empty time,It determines the fundamental difference between this person and others.


The so called youth is the state of not getting something, the state of longing, the state of longing, and the state of possibility. In front of them are the vast Yuan Ye and fears of life. Although they still have nothing, they occasionally have a feeling of having everything in their fantasy.

6、“怪不得人们说青春是轰轰烈烈的 轰轰烈烈这四个字 一听就是团伙作案”。

"Its no wonder people say that youth is vigorous. The word" vigorous "means gang crime."

7、青春是炽热的, 是滚烫的, 是少女干净的侧脸, 是少年线条分明的脸庞 , 是汗水, 是呼喊 ,是课堂上的大笑, 是食堂的熙熙攘攘, 是拼命努力的样子, 是操场上的步伐 ,是美好的暗恋 ,是我们的单纯 ,是活力 ,是美好 是一场终将结束的宴席。

Youth is hot, it is hot, it is the girls clean side face, it is the boys well defined face, it is sweat, it is shouting, it is the laughter in class, it is the hustle and bustle of the canteen, it is the appearance of hard work, it is the pace on the playground, it is a beautiful secret love, it is our pure energy, it is beautiful, it is a banquet that will end eventually.

8、真正的离别, 没有长亭古道 ,也没有劝君再尽一杯酒, 只是一个和平常一样的清晨 ,有些人就永远留在了昨天。

The real parting did not take place along the Changting ancient road, nor did it persuade you to drink another cup of wine. It was just an ordinary morning, and some people stayed in yesterday forever.

9、阳光 迟到 操场 白衬衫 背影 偷瞄 食堂 小卖部 夏天 下课 对视 躲闪 心动 暗恋 打球 黄昏 中考 高考 这是青春。

The sun is late, the playground is white, the shirt is behind, the canteen is hidden behind, the canteen is closed in summer, the eyes are closed in summer, the heart is hidden in love, the ball is played, the senior high school entrance exam is held in the evening, this is youth.


The feeling I had in those years has long been let go, but the youth in those years is still gone.



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