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句子大全 2020-07-01 15:49:01

汉内在苏格兰高原的野外过夜,搜索他的人终于发现了他的踪迹。汉内拼尽全力在高原上奔逃,忙不择路逃进了一幢农舍,没想到冤家路窄,这里正是“黑石”的巢穴之一。汉内好不容易才逃出魔窟,他返回修路人家中,去取留在那里的斯卡德的笔记本。由于过度劳累,汉内大病了一场。Hannay in Scotland plateau field overnight, search his people finally found him. Hannay best in Plateau on the run, busy road not choose escaped into a farmhouse, did not expect that one cant avoid ones enemy, here is the "nest of Blackstone". Hannay managed to escape from the snare, he returned home, to stay Skades notebook. Because of overwork, Hannay a serious illness.汉内病愈后离开修路人的家,费了一番周折找到沃尔特·布利文特勋爵的乡间别墅,与他接上头,汉内的逃亡生活结束了。沃尔特勋爵觉得汉内带来的信息有些危言耸听。而事态的发展恰恰证明这一切都是真的。希腊首相正像那些间谍所计划的那样被暗杀了!Hannay recovered after leaving the roadman home, struggled to find Lord Walter Bullivants Quinta Da Fonte Hotel, and he reach Hannays escape, the end of the life. Walter Lord think Hannay information brought some alarmist. And the development of it matters that it is true. The Greek prime minister, as the spies who have planned the assassination!沃尔特勋爵带着汉内急返伦敦作好应变准备,此时警方已经不再通缉汉内。绷紧的弦突然松了下来,汉内感到有些失落。不过他感觉到“黑石 ”一定还会有惊人之举。在本能的驱使下,他立刻返回沃尔特勋爵的住所,即使发现“黑石”已经派人假扮海军大臣从这里召开的重要会议上窃走了国防机密。与会的英法高层人士纷纷震愕,一时间均感到束手无策。汉内根据斯卡德笔记本中提到“三十九级台阶”作出大胆推测,遂被委以重任领导抓捕行动。经过一番惊心动魄的殊死搏斗,汉内在警方与军方的配合下终于粉碎了德国间谍的外逃阴谋,截获了他们窃取的重要情报,把“ 黑石”一网打尽。Walter Lord with Han right back to London for strain preparation, the police have no longer wanted hannay. The string taut suddenly relaxed, Hannay feel some loss. But he felt "Blackstone" will have a surprise. The instinct, he immediately returned to Walter Lords residence, even if found "an important meeting Blackstone" has sent disguised as the Secretary of the Navy from here at the steal defense secrets. The British and French officials have shock at a time, feel be at a loss what to do. Hannay according to Skade notebook mentioned in the "Thirty nine Steps" to make bold speculation, was entrusted with the task of leading the raid. After a struggle be struck with fright desperate, Hannay in with the police and the army finally smashed the German spy flight plot, obtained important information they steal, "Blackstone" catch all in one draft.

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