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一些简单而有内涵的句子 每一句话都让人深思!

句子大全 2020-06-30 17:00:01



06 1412:55

一、人只有丢弃了那些身外之物,才会获得心灵的空间。丢弃世俗杂念,你会心地明朗;丢弃功名利禄,你会轻松自如。还有许许多多的爱恨情仇,都已过去,都已结束,何不把它们统统丢弃。Only when people abandon the things outside, can they get the space of the soul. If you abandon worldly misconceptions, you will be clear minded; if you abandon fame and wealth, you will be relaxed. There are many love, hatred, hatred and hatred that have passed and are over. Why not throw them all away?

二、人生没有那么多莺莺燕燕,什么是好的生活,什么是好的伴侣,无非就是,你饿了,做给你吃,你渴了,端给你喝,你冷了,给你盖被,你病了,给你拿药,哪怕你心烦了,也能骂他几句不是。脚踏实地的,比什么都强。Life is not so many Yingying Yanyan, what is a good life, what is a good partner, nothing more than, you are hungry, do for you to eat, you are thirsty, serve you to drink, you are cold, cover your quilt, you are sick, give you medicine, even if you are upset, you can scold him a few words. Its better to be down to earth than anything else. lt; br/

三、如果想告别平庸的生活,就得努力向上;如果想摆脱贫穷的日子,就得发奋图强;如果想实现梦想,就得坚守信仰,战胜自我,让心在一次次的历练中,变得坚强。If you want to say goodbye to mediocre life, you have to strive upward; if you want to get rid of poverty, you have to strive hard; if you want to realize your dream, you have to adhere to faith, overcome yourself, and let your heart become strong in one experience. lt; br / gt;

四、原来有一天,向日葵也会想主动放弃太阳。曾经,我想和你分享我的所有秘密,但现在,你成了我心底的秘密。幸福确实不能一直晒,因为你不知道意外和明天哪个先来。It turned out that one day sunflowers would also like to give up the sun on their own initiative. Once I wanted to share all my secrets with you, but now you are my secret. Happiness cant be kept in the sun, because you dont know which comes first.

五、问了细流,问了飘雪,没有人告诉我蝴蝶的归期和轮回后的倩影。缘分的始终,早已注定,过分的强求和一直念守,也改变不了已有的结局。待花香萦绕山谷之际,一段新的记忆便也开始,那个故事的结局早已写明,只是依旧轮回在尘世里,细数蝶恋花的美丽。Asked the stream, asked the snow, no one told me the return date of the butterfly and the beautiful image after the reincarnation. Fate has always been doomed. Excessive demand and persistence can not change the outcome. When the fragrance of flowers lingers in the valley, a new memory begins. The end of the story has already been written, but it still reincarnates in the world, counting the beauty of butterflies in love with flowers.

六、爱的那么认真,比谁都认真,可最后还是我一个人。受伤的心,总是这样,总是那样,无能为力,悲伤的情,总是一别两宽,无奈的懂,总是再也不见,后悔人生的当初,相遇是一种挽留,也是一种残梦。Love is so serious, more serious than anyone, but finally I am alone. Injured heart, always like this, always like that, powerless, sad feelings, always different, helpless to understand, always never see, regret life at the outset, meet is a retention, but also a residual dream.

七、走得突然,我们来不及告别。这样也好,因为我们永远不告别。命运像是最名贵的丝绢,再怎样巧夺天工,拿到手上看,总透出丝丝缕缕的光,那些错落,是与生俱行的原罪。Suddenly, we had no time to say goodbye. Thats OK, because well never say goodbye. Fate is like the most precious silk, and how to skillfully work, get the hand to see, always reveal a ray of light, those scattered, is the original sin of birth.

八、为什么不相信爱情呢?爱情是足以愉悦的。但愉悦不需要付出么?什么都拿不出。张口,我要爱情。好,给你爱情。你去疯去闹,累了或者闲了,突然想起我爱人呢?听,祂在哭泣。失去了,却说再也不相信爱情了。那么你是多么可鄙。如果你爱过,有像你一样爱的人。被爱过,有那么爱你的人。为什么不相信爱情呢?其实你应该,不要轻易相信一个人才对。Why not believe in love? Love is pleasant enough. But does pleasure not need to be paid? Nothing can be taken out. Open your mouth, I want love. OK, give you love. You go crazy, tired or idle, suddenly think of my wife? Listen, Hes crying. Lost, but said no longer believe in love. So how despicable you are. If you have loved, there are people you love as well. Have been loved, there are people who love you so much. Why not believe in love? In fact, you should not easily believe a talented person.

九、高山重洋将我们分离,没奈何我只能在回忆中与你重逢,在梦境中与你相遇。他需要你的时候才会突然想起你,不需要你的时候从来不联系;所谓的暧昧,也就是偶尔出现、偶尔消失。 如果你遇到这样的人,最好离远点儿,因为他从来都没把你当回事儿;你也就别再自作多情,更别为他找千百个理由来欺骗自己。The mountains and oceans separate us, but I can only meet you in my memories and in my dreams. He will suddenly think of you when he needs you, never contact when he doesnt need you; so called ambiguity, that is, occasionally appear, occasionally disappear. If you meet such a person, its better to stay away, because he never takes you seriously; you should stop being sentimental, let alone find hundreds of reasons to deceive yourself for him.

十、你就像一颗星星,明亮、耀眼、光彩夺目,却遥不可及。因为独特,因为唯一,才令人愈加珍惜,受千百万人的追捧喜爱,作为千万分之一,我很庆幸遇见了你,虽然有点迟,但未来有你。希望带给你的是快乐,也希望你不要有太大的压力,做好自己,你是我们眼中最亮的星。感谢你的坚持,让我们遇见今天的你。Youre like a star, bright, shining, brilliant, but out of reach. Because unique, because only one, it is more cherished, loved by millions of people, as one in ten million, I am glad to meet you, although a little late, but the future has you. Hope brings you happiness, but also hope you dont have too much pressure, do yourself well, you are the brightest star in our eyes. Thank you for your persistence. Lets meet you today. lt; br / gt;

十一、俗话说退一步海阔天空,宽容别人也是善待自己;原谅了别人就把微笑留给了自己。宽容是一把盛开着的伞,在伞下我们享受着温暖的阳光。As the saying goes, take a step backwards, and be kind to others; forgive others and leave a smile to yourself. Tolerance is an umbrella in full bloom, under which we enjoy the warm sunshine.

十二、 不论今天多么的困难,都要坚信:只有回不去的过往,没有到不了的明天。你成不了心态的主人,必然会沦为情绪的奴隶。心若不动,风又奈何。你若不伤,岁月无恙。No matter how difficult it is today, we must firmly believe that there is no tomorrow but the past that can not go back. If you cant be the master of your mind, you will inevitably become the slave of your emotions. If the heart doesnt move, the wind cant help it. If you dont hurt, the years will be all right.

十三、有些话,适合藏在心里,有些痛苦,适合无声无息的忘记。当经历过,你成长了,自己知道就好。很多改变,不需要自己说,别人也会看得到。走不通的路就回头,爱而不得的人就放手,得不到的热情就适可而止,别把一厢情愿当成满腔孤勇,也别把厌烦当成欲擒故纵。Some words, suitable for hiding in the heart, some pain, suitable for silent forgetting. When you experience it, you grow up and know it for yourself. Many changes can be seen without self talk. If you cant walk the right way, turn back. If you love someone you cant get, let go. If you cant get the enthusiasm, just stop. Dont regard wishful thinking as full of loneliness and courage. Dont treat boredom as indulgence.

十四、人的一生,都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。对别人要求松一点,就不会总失望;对自己要求严一点,就不会总沮丧。In ones life, there are some unspeakable secrets, irreversible regrets, unreachable dreams and unforgettable love. If you relax your demands on others, you wont always be disappointed; if you are strict with yourself, you wont always be frustrated. lt; br/

十五、很多时候我们不知道自己在做什么,我们到底是谁?你说你迷茫,那么现在请你停下来,回想一下这么多年来一直推动你向前的那么梦想还在吗?就像我们坚持拼搏了十载,一纸大学录取通知书就把我们推向了一个享乐的深渊。梦想还在,只是你不再是那个你了!Many times we dont know what were doing. Who are we? You said you were confused, so now please stop and think about the dream that has been pushing you forward for so many years. Just as we have struggled for ten years, a college admission notice has pushed us into an abyss of enjoyment. The dream is still there, but you are no longer the one you are! lt; br/

十六、人,一定要悟透自己。学会欣赏自己,学会把握自己,学会心疼自己。心再累,也不要纵容自己的脾气;心再痛,也要许给自己一份清宁。人生,只是一条一划而过的线。我们得到的,以及错过的,都是一个个点,欣喜也罢,遗憾也好,其实都在远去或即将远去。Man must understand himself thoroughly. Learn to appreciate oneself, learn to grasp oneself, learn to love oneself. No matter how tired your heart is, dont indulge your temper; if it hurts again, you may give yourself a piece of tranquility. Life is just a straight line. What we get and what we miss are all points, joy or regret. In fact, they are all far away or about to go. lt; br/


最近更新:06 1412:55


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