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富有哲理的英文句子 简直太受用了!

句子大全 2020-06-24 10:35:01



03 0117:57


1.那些我们一直惴惴不安,又充满好奇的未来,会在心里隐隐约约地觉得它们是明亮的。Those futures that we have been restless and curious will feel faintly in their hearts that they are bright.

2.别和我说对不起,对不起只能换来你的安心,而非我的释然。Dont say sorry to me, sorry, I can only exchange your peace of mind, not my relief.

3.一个人,如果你不逼自己一把,你根本不知道自己有多优秀。One person, if you dont force yourself, you dont know how good you are.

4.时间不会停下来等你,我们现在过的每一天,都是余生中最年轻的一天。Time will not stop to wait for you, every day we are now, is the youngest day of the rest of my life.

5.有酒就去喝,有爱就去爱,一生那么短,再拘谨几下就真的过去了。If you have wine, you can go to drink. If you have love, you will go to love. It’s so short in your life. It’s really a matter of a few times.

6.不要在意别人在背后怎么看你说你,因为这些言语改变不了事实,却可能会搅乱你的心。Dont care about how others see you in the back, because these words cant change the facts, but they can upset your heart.

7.想了很久还是觉得,钱才是真正治愈心灵的良药。 After thinking for a long time, I still feel that money is the medicine that really cures the soul.

8.人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无谓压抑自己。 Life is only a few decades, dont leave any regrets for yourself, laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you want to cry, love when you love, and suppress yourself.

9.唯有梦想才配让你不安,唯有行动才能解除你的不安。缺一不可。Only a dream can make you uneasy, only action can lift your uneasiness. Indispensable.

10.凡事都留个余地,因为人是人,人不是神,不免有错处,可以原谅人的地方,就原谅人。Everything leaves room for everything, because people are human beings, people are not gods, and there are inevitably mistakes. Forgiving people can forgive people.

11.如果没能力把眼前的苟且过好,就暂时不要去想诗和远方。If you dont have the ability to make your eyes look good, dont think about poetry and distance.

12.好脾气的人不轻易发火,不代表不会发火;性格好的人只是装糊涂,不代表没有底线。A person with good temper does not get angry easily, it does not mean that he will not get angry; a person with good character is just confused, and does not mean that there is no bottom line.

13.人的突然长大有时候是一瞬间。The sudden growth of a person is sometimes a moment.

14.有些事,只能一个人做。有些关,只能一个人过。有些路啊,只能一个人走。Some things can only be done by one person. Some are closed and can only be passed by one person. Some roads can only be taken by one person.

15.命运就像天气,可以尽努力地去预料,但往往出乎意料。Destiny is like the weather, you can try your best, but it is often unexpected.


最近更新:03 0117:57


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