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句子大全 2020-06-17 10:14:01

打招呼1. Saying hello 打招呼Telling what the boss is doing 告知老板在做什么Asking whether he has an appointment 询问某人是否已经预约Unit 2: Making somebody comfortable 招待某人1. Asking what the guest would like to drink 询问客人要喝什么2. Introducing Different kinds of Chinese tea 介绍中国茶的不同种类3. Asking how a guest would like their coffee 询问客人要哪种咖啡Unit 3: Small Talk闲聊Did you have a nice flight? 你的航程愉快吗?Asking somebody’s first impression of Boston.询问某人对于波士顿的第一印象Telling somebody about the weather during this time of year. 告知某人这个时段的天气情况Unit 4: Receiving Telephone Calls接听来电1.Transferring calls 转接电话2. Taking a message 留言3. Somebody who dialed the wrong number 拨错电话Unit 5: Making Telephone Calls打电话1. Calling Directory Assistance 打电话给查号服务台2. Calling to make an appointment for the boss打电话为老板预约3. Calling to change an appointment 打电话更改约会Unit 6: Making reservations on the phone电话预订1. Hotel reservation 宾馆预订2. Restaurant reservation 餐馆预订3. Plane reservation 飞机(机票)预订Unit 7: Asking for services on the phone 致电要求服务1. Calling for repairs 打电话要求修理2. Ordering food for delivery 打电话叫外买3. Finding out hours of operation 询问营业时间Unit 8: Refusing提出拒绝1. Refusing an unexpected visitor 拒绝突然到访者2. Refusing an invitation to work for another company 拒绝去其他公司工作的邀请3. Giving reasons for why you can’t attend a dinner party with co workers 告知你为何不能与同事共进晚餐的原因
