
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2020-06-17 09:00:01


1. You think I was born yesterday! 没那么笨!又不是三岁小孩。

2. You can count on me! 包在我身上。 3. Yu can do it ! 你一定可以的,你一定可以撑下去的。 4. You can t always get what you want . 天不从人愿 5. You get what you pay for. 便宜没好货。 6. You get what you deserve 自作自受 7. You give me the money ,I ll get you the goods 一手交钱,一手交货。 8. You ll regret it if you don t go 不去你会后悔的 9. You mind your business , and I ll mind mine. 井水不犯河水。 10. You are not yourself today! 你今天不太对劲 11. You say it , but you don t mean it 口是心非 12. You re the boss 一切听你的, 13. You don t have the right 你还不够格 14. You just don t appreciate it 不识抬举 15. You like to play with me ,don t you ?你就这么爱耍我是吧? 16. Are you seeing anyone ? 你现在有和谁交往吗? 17. At least everyone s all right ,至少大家都没事。 18. Easy to please 知足常乐 19. Every family has problems 家家有本难念的经 20. Every wins / good for both sides 两全其美 21. Good things come in pairs 好事成双 22. Go with the flow 顺其自然 23. Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同 24. How did it come to this 岂有此理 25. How dare you stand me up 你竟敢放我鸽子 26. I can t help myself 我情不自禁 27. I can t do two things at the same time 我只有一双手 28. I dare you to try 有种你给我试试看 29. I didn t do it on purpose 我不是故意的 30. It s nothing , don t mention it 区区小事,何足挂齿! 原文地址:
