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阳光正能量的励志句子:悄悄地去努力吧 让自己变得更优秀

句子大全 2020-05-18 08:14:01



发布时间:03 1619:11


Everyone will have a very hard time, the embarrassment of life, the frustration of work, the pressure of study, the panic of love. If you survive, your life will be clear, and you wont survive. Time will teach you how to shake hands with them, so you dont have to be afraid.


I hope my direction is to go where I want to go, not where I am right. I hope my strength comes from my heart, not from others praise.


Since suffering pushed me to the edge of the cliff, then let me sit down at the edge of the cliff, by the way, look at the haze under the cliff, and sing a song to you.


Just do it. Its useless to just think about it and say it. Do what you can and change what you can. Even if its just a little bit, its not in the original place. Theres nothing to regret.


Try to work hard quietly, wait until you become fierce, and then jump out to frighten the people who once looked down on you. Thats what you need to aim for now.


If it is too practical, it is not worthy of being called youth. Because youth is a carnival of great dreams.

没钱的时候就多读书,有钱就多旅行,别总盯着眼前的烦恼和困惑。这世界大着呐,读过万卷书,走过万里路,你就会发现眼前的事啊,都是小事 。

Read more when you have no money, travel more when you have money. Dont always stare at the troubles and puzzles in front of you. Its a big world. After reading thousands of books and walking thousands of miles, you will find that the things in front of you are small things.


Think about how to make yourself better. Dont expect to meet the right people all day long. You are too young to catch even if you meet them. If you are excellent, there will be right people with you.


The people you like should be your motivation, not your wounds; the things you like should enrich you, not make you anxious. Its so good to walk forward every day; wake up every day with motivation.


I mean, "I dont think I can do it." I dont want to lie down, I dont want to give up, I want you to hug me and tell me "it will be OK." what I need is not some great help, but the feeling of you accompanying me. You accompany me, I have the strength to support.


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