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唯美人生哲理心情短句 句句精辟深刻 值得收藏

句子大全 2020-05-12 15:56:01



05 1720:24

一、最无言的时候,是心里话最多的时候。我也曾满腔热血的陪在你身边,只是后来再没有那种执着和必要。在这个骨感的现实中,很多卑微爱情的开始,最终升华不到亲情,丢失的却是一段友情。The most silent time is the time when the heart speaks the most. I have accompanied you with blood, but later there was no such persistence and necessity. In this skeletal reality, the beginning of cruel and humble love, ultimately sublimation of family, but the loss of a friendship.

二、如今是这样一个时代,看得太多而没有时间欣赏,写的太多而没有时间思想。一艘小纸船,悠悠地飘过来,吸收水分,渐渐沉没,世上美好的东西,都有有效期限。Today is such an era, too much to see and no time to appreciate, too much to write and no time to think. A small paper boat floats over, absorbs water and sinks gradually. Every good thing in the world has a validity period.

三、做一朵向日葵,面朝太阳,心纳阳光。心,只要有了充盈的阳光,心就不再那么的冰;人,也就不再那么的冷;拥有了热度,心也跟着有了温度。有了热度,有了温度,自然就有了温暖。有了温暖才会有温暖的笑颜Make a sunflower, face the sun, and accept the sunshine. Heart, as long as there is plenty of sunshine, the heart is no longer so ice; people, it is no longer so cold; with heat, the heart also has temperature. With heat and temperature, there will be warmth naturally. Warmth makes a warm smile.

四、 该工作的时候好好努力,该玩的时候就好好尽兴,遇到比自己优秀的人学会欣赏,看到落魄潦倒的也不鄙视。这就是所谓的拎得清,做人做事,这样的状态最好。When you work hard, when you play, you will enjoy yourself. When you meet people who are better than yourself, you will learn to appreciate them, and you will not look down upon them. This is the so called carrying clear, doing things, such a state of the best.

五、优秀的人,不是与生俱来就领先一步,也不一定比别人更加幸运。他们中的多数,只是在任何一件小事上,都对自己有所要求,不因舒适而散漫放纵,不因辛苦而放弃追求。雕塑自己的过程,必定伴随着疼痛与辛苦,那一锤一凿的敲打,终能让我们收获一个更好的自己。Excellent people are not born to take the lead, nor are they necessarily more fortunate than others. Most of them, just in any small matter, have their own requirements, not because of comfort and indulgence, not because of hard work and give up pursuit.

The process of sculpting ourselves must be accompanied by pain and hard work. The hammer and chisel knocking will eventually enable us to harvest a better self.

六、一条路走着走着,感觉自己很累,快要支撑不下去了。若有一天,还能再遇见你,世事沧桑,若你还是孤身一人,我也孤身一人,那么我们就互相搀扶,守着素简时光,走过岁岁年年。Walking along a road, I felt very tired and could hardly support myself. If one day, I can meet you again, the vicissitudes of life, if you are still alone, I am also alone, then we will help each other, keep the simple time, through the years.

七、生活中,想开难,看开难,放弃更难。许多事,并不是,想放就能放下,想弃就能放弃。一些事,看开了,却总是不能放下;一些情,明白了,却总是无法放弃;一些人,看清了,却总是不忍离弃。In life, it is more difficult to let go of difficulties than to let go of them. Many things, not, want to put down, want to give up can give up. Some things, see, but always can not put down; some feelings, understand, but always can not give up; some people, see clearly, but always can not bear to abandon.

八、很偶尔的,你会找我,联系我,你的突然出现,还是会挑拨我的心弦。只是,我也学会对你伪装了,不冷不热,不咸不淡,笑得没心没肺,也不会再流那廉价的眼泪了。然后听你轻轻地说:“你变了。”是的,我变了,我再也不会奋不顾身的去爱一个人了,哪怕是你。Occasionally, you will find me, contact me, your sudden appearance, or will provoke my heartstrings. But I also learned to disguise you, not cold, not hot, not salty, laughing heartlessly, will not shed that cheap tears. Then listen to you say softly, "You have changed." Yes, Ive changed. Ill never love someone again, even if its you.

九、我可以不是你第一个喜欢的人,不是你第一个牵手的人,不是你第一个拥抱的人,不是你第一个亲吻的人,不是你第一个拥有的人。但是我却是希望,我是你遇到了痛苦第一个想去倾诉的人,是你遇到快乐第一个想要分享的人。I cant be the first person you like, the first person you hold hands with, the first person you hug, the first person you kiss, the first person you own. But I do hope that I am the first person you want to talk about when you encounter pain, and the first person you want to share when you encounter happiness.

十、有人说,人成熟的标志之一,就是失去倾诉欲。一个真正成熟的人,总是悄无声息的,不随便找人倾诉,不再抱怨生活,不激烈吐槽情绪。Some people say that one of the signs of maturity is the loss of the desire to talk. A truly mature person is always quiet, not to talk to anyone, no longer complain about life, not intense emotional Tucao.

十一、回忆,真的能让一个人变成神经病,前一秒,还是嘴角微扬,下一秒,却湿润了眼眶,想太多和重感情的人最容易被伤害,分分钟把你虐的万劫不复。Memory, really can make a person become neuropathy, the first second, or the corner of the mouth slightly raised, the next second, but wet the eyes, think too much and heavy feelings of the most vulnerable people, minutes of your abuse will never be recovered.

十二、有些事不是努力就可以的,五十块的人民币设计得再好,也没有一百块招人喜欢。说走就走,是人生中最灿烂最奢侈也是最孤独的自由。Some things cant be done by hard work. No matter how well the 50 yuan is designed, theres no 100 yuan that appeals to people. Speaking and going is the most splendid, luxurious and loneliest freedom in life.

十三、人生是要慢慢的成熟的。我们不要去急于求成,那是要一步一步地去解决问题。因为,那才是生活的意义之所在–面对困难、然后就耐心地去学习、适应并解决难题。所有这些经历最终塑造了现在的你。Life is to mature slowly. We should not rush for success, but solve problems step by step. Because thats what life is all about facing difficulties and then patiently learning, adapting and solving them. All these experiences ultimately shape you now.

十四、每条生命线上都有许多分岔,每个分岔就像人生的路口。我们都在那个路口面临选择,选择让自己变好或变坏,迎向阳光或走向黑暗。那经常只是一念之间,却总是非常关键的,决定了接下来要走的人生道路。 每个人的生命线都不一样,所以面对的生命分岔点也各不同。但那也正是上天给我们的权利:你的人生道路要怎么走,要如何活得精彩,活得有意义,真正有选择权利的人,其实是你自己。Every lifeline has many bifurcations, and every bifurcation is like the crossroads of life. We all face choices at that intersection, choosing to make ourselves better or worse, facing sunshine or darkness. Its often just between thoughts, but its always crucial to decide the way to go in life.

each persons lifeline is different, so they face different life bifurcations. But thats the right that God gives us: how do you go about your life, how do you live brilliantly, meaningfully, and really have the right to choose, in fact, you are yourself.

十五、你懒惰,你拖延,你堕落,以后要付出的就越多,以后要负担的就越多,所以,别说现在的生活并不是你想要的,但确实是你自找的,人生的很多不如意,并不是你运气不好,不是你不够漂亮,不是你没有机会,多是因为你自己。You are lazy, you procrastinate, you degenerate, the more you will pay in the future, the more you will have to bear later. So, let alone say that life is not what you want now, but it is really what you ask for. Many of lifes disappointments are not your bad luck, not you are not beautiful enough, not you have no chance, but mostly because of yourself.

十六、其实挫折是成长过程必不可少的风景,只有勇敢地接受暴风雨的洗礼的人才能看到雨后的彩虹。难道你不想知道,也许某天你选择向左走,而不是向右走,你可能会过着完全不同的人生?In fact, frustration is an indispensable landscape in the process of growth. Only those who bravely accept the baptism of the storm can see the rainbow after the rain. Dont you want to know that maybe someday you choose to go left instead of right, and you may lead a totally different life?

十七、人生应该随和而不随波,宽容而不迁就。别再为错过了什么而自己懊悔。每天给自己一个笑脸,告诉自己要开心,因为比起那些在死亡线上挣扎的人,健康地活着,本身就是一种快乐。Life should be easy going but not easy going, tolerant and not accommodating. Stop regretting what you missed. Give yourself a smiling face every day and tell yourself to be happy, because living healthily is a joy in itself compared to those who struggle on the death line.

十八、 有时候,心里会突然冒出一种厌倦的情绪,觉得自己很累很累。只想放纵自己一回,希望能痛痛快快歇斯底里地疯一次。当你转过身的时候我的心狠狠地抽动了一下。现在我知道了这个叫做心痛。Sometimes, the heart will suddenly burst out of a feeling of boredom, feel very tired and tired. I just want to indulge myself once, hoping to go mad hysterically once. When you turn around, my heart twitches violently. Now I know this is called heartache.

十九、明知你心里没有我,也永远做不到你想要的那个,却不由自主让你看到最真实的我,掩藏住受伤的我。没有想过丰富自己的生活,因为我没有拥有过所谓的生活。Knowing that you can never achieve what you want without me in your heart, you can not help but let you see the most real me and hide the injured me. I didnt want to enrich my life, because I didnt have the so called life.

二十、过去并不都会过去,有些过去,永远在你心里过不去。如果有下辈子,我一定要做你的心脏,因为我不跳,你就得死;有人说不要常抱怨,因为生活就是,如人饮水,冷暖自知就好,我想问你被热水烫到不会大叫吗?The past will not always pass, some of the past, will never pass in your heart. If there is a next life, I must do your heart, because I do not jump, you will die; Some people say do not often complain, because life is, such as drinking water, cold and warm self knowledge, I want to ask you hot water will not shout?

二十一、如果以后没人为我遮风挡雨,我就自己做自己的英雄。别为当初的誓言耿耿于怀了,承诺的时刻一定是真的,只是后来太多意外,谁都想不到会分开。If no one shelters me from the rain, I will be my own hero. Dont be bothered by the original vows, the promises must be true, but after too many accidents, no one expected to be separated.

二十二、爱情里永远都是两个人的事,是相互的。爱你的人也需要被你爱,在意你的人也需要被你在意,对你好的人也需要得到你的好。而你要相信的是,这世上没有人会无条件对你好,即使那些对你好的人看起来真的很温柔。Love is always about two people. Its about each other. The person who loves you also needs to be loved by you, the person who cares about you also needs to be cared about by you, and the person who treats you well also needs to be loved by you. And you have to believe that no one in the world will treat you unconditionally, even if those who treat you really gently.

二十三、用心走路,眼光不到,容易走弯路;理智丧失,容易走绝路。漫漫人生路,看得清比走得快更重要,因为走得对才能走得远。有的路,是脚去走。有的路,要心去走。绊住脚的,往往不是荆棘和石头,而是心。只要心中有不灭的诗意,就会永远活在葱茏的意境之中。只要不将之心于绝境,这个世界,原本就没有绝路。Walking with heart, without vision, is easy to take detours; losing reason, is easy to walk out of the way. It is more important to see clearly than to walk fast in the long road of life, because only by walking right can we go far. Some roads are foot to foot.

If there is a way, go with your heart. It is not the thorns and stones that stumble, but the heart. As long as there is an indelible poetry in the heart, it will always live in a lush mood. As long as we dont put our minds in despair, there will be no despair in the world.


最近更新:05 1720:24


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