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2 日常生活中的句子翻英文!!拜托了 因为写报告要用的! 禁止翻译!希望高手帮忙了>

句子大全 2020-05-09 14:14:01

总体目标:改进自理能力具体目标:改进他的语言和理解上的能力Overall goal: Improve his ability to care for himselfSpecific goal: Improve his language skills and his ability to comprehend1. 减少穿尿布 为了开始训练他厕所在马桶上,以及不要倚赖尿布老师开始减少给他穿尿布的机会慢慢减少到不给他穿尿布1. Minimise the use of diaper In order to train him to use the toilet and to reduce his dependency on diapers, the teacher has started to reduce his chances of wearing diapers until he doesn’t wear it anymore. 2. 让他坐在马通上协助他 老师用法语和英语解释给他为什麼要上厕所在马桶上以及重要性 我用图片给他解释如何正确的上厕所 让他坐在马桶上尝试尿尿 让他看其他孩子如何上厕所 看整个流程2. Make him sit on the toilet with assistance The teacher has used both French and English to explain to him the reason of using the toilet and its importance I have used diagrams to explain to him the correct way to use the toilet Let him try to sit on the toilet to pass urine Let him watch how other kids use the toilet the entire process3. 让他自己愿意坐在马桶上尝试看看不协助他 每天给他长一点的时间坐在马桶上 让他看其他孩子如何上厕所 看整个流程 给他正面的鼓励用奖状鼓励他厕所3. Make sure he is willing to sit on the toilet and try it out without assistance Allow him some time to sit on the toilet everyday Let him watch how other kids use the toilet the entire process Give him positive feedbacks and use rewards to encourage him to use the toilet4. 让他成功的尿尿在马桶上 每天给他长一点的时间坐在马桶上 15至20分钟4. Make sure that he successfully passes urine on the toilet Allow him some time to sit on the toilet everyday现在的他虽然大部分时间还是会拒绝上厕所尤其当我们要求他去上厕所尿尿时他还是会不高兴并且摇头但已经好很多了现在的他终於成功坐在马桶上尿尿了虽然只有一到两次而已当他成功时他很高兴很骄傲地对我们说”: 我做到了”我们夸奖他,他是非常开心的Although he still shakes his head and refuses to go to the toilet most of the times when we asks him to go to the toilet to pass urine, his attitude has improved a lot. Even though this has only happened once or twice, he has sit on the toilet and passed urine successfully on his own. When he succeeds, he is very happy and proud, and would say to us: “I made it!” When we praise him, he is even happier.我认为我的目标有达成一半但我相信只要他继续努力一定可以成功每一天都自己主动去上厕所I think even though he has only achieved half of the goals I’ve set, with his consistent effort, he will eventually succeed and be willing to go to the toilet by himself everyday.谢谢妹纸的理解希望能帮助到你如有疑问还请继续追问 :

I have been more used to the life in the kindergarten as a trainee teacher ,and have experiend more about hard work of teaching.This morning,along with the teachers in our school,we intended to take the children out for a walk and then to the park. As the result of the construction work near the park,we could not take them into it to play there.We had to give up and returned.In my opinion,the busiest time in each day falls before and after we take the children out.Bfore going out,we must help and show them how to put on their coats,wear their caps and change their outdoor shoes.More importantly,we must make sure that do go to the toilet or wear the diapers。This is the most important step.After coming back from the outside with the children,we have to help and show them to change their indoor shoes and take away their coats ,caps and the alike. Besides,teaching them to do the toilet training is also our duty.And it is a must to ask each of them to wash their hands,for lunch time iis coming soon after that.I feel really exhausted because some children may become angry,and others may beat or push some of the rest children.I feel truly busy as a trainee teacher,not only because of showing the children and babysitting them,but also I have to do many things at the same time.I think that I have much to learn to become a professional teacher.I hope that I will become better with the passing of time and the increasing of my experience.That afternoon,a teacher came to our class to carry on the food science activity.He took with him different kinds of pumkins and asked the children to tell them from one another and then taste them.What a really interesting acivity it was!

Today we took the children out for a walk in another park which is very large.There was an area specially left for pets playing with many pets and their owners play in the small park happily.The scenery was wonderful and the children were playing happily by kicking the fallen levers .It is really great to take the children out and breathe the Autumn air . I believe getting close to nature is just what children enjoy because nature in an important part of our life,which is also a very good environment for children to learn from and also what they can contact in daily life.For example,flowers ,grasses and trees or even insects are all included in nature.Therefore, it is only good for children to get close to nature .After childrens afternoon nap,I found a childs urine on the mattress ,in the trousers and even on the mattress of the child next to it.A teacher immediately took the child into the toilet and helped clean up and change new trousers and underwear.At the same time I was busy helping clear away what on the floor and on the mattress. That teacher taught the child a lesson and scolded it a bit,so the child was puzzledwhy the teacher was so angry with it and began to cry,for some children were receiving toilet training.Sometimes,as a result,children could not control themselves well,which would cause such thing as mentioned above.From it I realised that accidents happy without any warning ahead,so it is always necessary to get everything ready. Sometimes the teacher did not dress children diapers in order to help them receive toilet training because they were wanted to go to the toilet.These children are now learning going to the toilet all by themselves,,so such accidents and the alike are too common to avoid.I sincerely hope these children can do better and better.

The reason why I choose this child to carry out my survey is that he is from a very special countryIran,which I myself rarely connect and learn about. Therefore,I want to know more about the culture and traditions and the alike of the country through this survey.2. The child has more than twenty four months old and he and his were both natives of Iran. They have been in Canada since ten years ago2005. They thought Canada is rich in resourses and it is an attractive place whether in education or working payment,so they chose this country for their immigration desstinnation.3. They speak their own language Persianin their family,including communicating with their child. Because Vafa has just been two years old and he is the development of his language ability , they hope Vafa can learn and has the habit of speaking Persian. However,they hope Vafa can learn to communicate with others in English or French when he is the kindergarten.That is also because we all speak English and communicate with one another in the kindergarten,so it is natural for Vafa to communicate with us in English.4.Vafa is the first and the only child of this family.That is to say, he has no brother or sister and he was born in a normal family.5. Both his parents have got their 他们的经济情况是不错的, 因为他们俩个人都有在工作所以经济上对他们而言是没有问题的我认为在这样的情况下,孩子们的情感多少是会影响的因为父母忙碌於工作加上要适应新的环境和新的语言这个孩子的情感上多少会感到焦虑和不安以及不适应所以会不停的哭闹去发泄他的情绪 中午帮你完成

When we took the children out for a walk this morning,an inccident suddenly occurred.As Autumn has approached,there are fallen maple leaves all around on the ground.These children enjoyed much to kick the leaves and stepped on them.Later on,we smelled something smelly on our way back and found out some children had treaded on dog shit ,which stuck to the right shoes of three children.Because the ground was covered with leaves,we could not prevent the inccident. Because of this, we had to delayed ten minutes on the sidewalk with me helping the teacher clean the childrens shoes. It took some of our time,so after that, we hurried back to the kindergarten with the children following us. Sometimes the accidents are unavoidable,and what can do is to try our best to prevent them. This was the first time that I had helped children to clean their shoes off from dog shit,which was really an unusual and special experience.In the afternoon,,we conducted an activity about science. A man teacher came into the classroom with some materials to teach the children do the experiments.He took with him balloons and some thin toilet paper .He rubbed his clothes with a balloon,which then sucked up a piece of toilet paper.How cool and special the activity was!`The teacher asked the children to draw their own funny faces on a piece of the toilet paper,and then rubbed it with a balloon and sucked up their own ghosts by themselves.All the children felt excited and they had fun. The teacher even sucked up the childrens hair by rubbing the ballooon.The children enjoyed such activities quite a lot.I hope I can do such similar special activities about science in my own class,which will certainly make children happy.
