
句子大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2020-05-03 14:35:01

1. I have a thousand words to say after reading this book/article.我读了以后感慨万千.2. I feel that I have learned a lot from the book.我从中获益良多.3. I learn what fortitude/confidence/... is by reading the book.我从中学到了什么是坚强/自信……3. What a wonerful and meaningful articel it is!这是一篇发人深省的好文章.4. I realize that what we ought to do and the rest not.我从中学到了什么应该做而什么不该做.5. I should learn to the spirit of fighting/philanthropy from what the author told us in the book/article.我应该学习作者在文中教给我们的奋斗/博爱的精神.6. We should realize who we are and what we want to be,from the leading character in the book.我们应该像书中主角那样,明白我们是谁,我们想成为谁.7. We should cherish what we own now and never let it go, or we would regetted for a life long time,as the author told us in the book.正如作者在文中所说,我们应该珍惜我们所拥有的,永远不要让它消失,不然我们将会后悔莫及.8. We should be friendly to our family and friends,according to the author, for they are people who are always supportting and accompaning with us.我们应该善待家人和朋友,因为他们是永远支持和陪伴我们的人.9. I learn that I should never give up my dream, no matter how hard is it to come true.永远不要放弃梦想,不管有多么难实现.10. I learn that I should never do anything illegal and try to crime, for justice has long arms.我学会了永远不要尝试犯罪,因为法网恢恢,疏而不漏.

