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求英语影评文模板 最好可以万能套用的词句

句子大全 2020-05-03 14:21:01


1、What kind of movie is it? It ’s a

2、It ’s a comedy. It ’s a sci fi. It ’s a horror. It ’s an action movie. It ’ Who is in it? is in it. Who ’s starring in it? Orlando Bloom is in it.

3、Where does it take place? It ’s set in . When does it take place? It takes place in . It ’s set in New York in the 60s.

4、How does it end? In the end, . What happens in the end? In the end, the ring is destroyed. In the end, Harry decides he really loves Sally.

5、The critics . It got reviews. The critics hated it. The critics raved about it. It good great reviews. It got poor reviews.



1、It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world. 世界这么大,能遇见,不容易。

2、When no one helps you, stand up straight, the road is long and your back is beautiful.——没人扶你的时候,自己要站直,路还长,背影要美。

3、No one is accompanying me with music and wine, no one is with me.“无人伴我歌与酒,无人伴我共白头。”

4、I thought love will come in time was the best love,but it is not a patch on your love at first sight.我以为日久生情是最美好的爱情,可却抵不过你的那句一见钟情。

5、All love is secret, all soulful only for you.所有深爱都是秘密,所有深情都只为你。
